Bet You Thought I'd Never Come Back

Aug 02, 2009 02:23

Hello, darlings.  Although it's been a thousand years since I posted in here, I felt it was time to finally return, and I'm happy to be back.  Life has certainly been interesting these past few months.  I've located my apartment (into which I will be moving in approximately a week,) I absolutely Love my Partner (yes, wer'e using the "P Word,") and I'm actually getting my writing published.  Yes, I am officially published, though at this point it's only online.  But, the way I look at it, I'm getting paid to write, so I'm a writer, which is incredibly exciting.  More on that in a moment.  Here's the rundown of the last four months:

April-Things really started to heat up between Ralph and I.  I taught my first class at TeleTech, after getting certified to teach Telephone Repair.  They were an awesome group, but most of them ended up not staying very long.  I worked really closely with Jim during this period, and our Friendship really flourished.  Around this time I decided that I was going to attend Syracuse University, a huge move for me.

May-Things got really serious between Ralph and I.  We had already been living together for a month, so things got a little stressed, what with living with Family and all.  Still, things calmed down, and all started to go well.  I taught my seco

June-Ralph and Mom had a spat, but it got resolved the same day.  I began teaching my own telephone class, which was rather exciting.  They were the worst class in history, but I suffered through that.  Ralph and I pretty much resolved that we were in it for the long haul.

July-The month that just ended, and what a month it was.  I traveled to Syracuse, found an excellent apartment, quit my job (which was a wrenching decision, let me tell you,) started getting published (more on that below,) finally began the process of separating my stuff from Kelly's, and so much more.  So, it has been a very eventful month, to say the least.  And it looks like the next several months are going to be more of the same.

Now, onto the writing.  A little over a week ago I discovered this neat little site called eHow (which I read about in Time, that actually pays you to write simple how-to articles.  I quickly signed up and starting publishing, and I've already started making money.  What's more, I've also started publishing on a wide variety of topics on four other websites:  Triond, Bukisa, Associated Content, and Helium.  My user name is ThomasWest3 on all of them, so I would greatly appreciate it if you would visit them, and tell your friends to do so as well.  I promise it will be worth your while.  Also, let me know if you would like to join, and I can invite you.  It's really awesome!

I guess that's really all I have time for this afternoon.  Ralph and I went to his Family's reunion, which was actually quite fun.  I met his wonderful Sister Jodie, who is an absolute doll.  What's more, his Family in general (with the exception of his youngest brother,) are wonderful, and we really get along well.  So, Life is going incredibly well, better than it has at any other point in my Life.  I think I can easily say that I am happier than I have ever been.  So, with that happy note, I think I shall depart.  I love you all.  Adieu.
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