It's Been A While, Hasn't It?

Jul 04, 2009 22:31

Hello, darlings.  I'm dreadfully sorry that it's taken me so long to write an entry, but Life has been crazy.  What with preparing to move to Syracuse and all, it's been hard to find time to do writing of any kind, let alone you, beloved LJ.  So, here we are, after almost a month of no updates, and what do I say?  Well, I've told everyone at work that I'm leaving, which was something I was dreading.  However, it went much better than I anticipated, so that was nice.  Ralph and I are continuing to flourish, which is also very good.  So, all in all, things are going well with Life, though a bit hectic.

Next weekend, I am going up to Syracuse to pick out an apartment.  I hate leaving it until so close to the last minute, but I didn't really have a choice, considering how work is and all.  So, at least I'm getting up there this weekend rather than any later.  I'm going to call/e-mail some people tomorrow to set up viewings, so that at least I have a plan before I just drive into town and take a lucky shot.  There still seem to be a lot of good apartments avaialble, so that's really good to know.  So, we will definitely have a very busy weekend next weekend.  What's more, the following Tuesday I am going to my Elton John/Billy Joel Concert, so that will be incredibly exciting as well.  I'm hoping to make a whole day of it, with a trip to the Zoo and everything as well.  We'll see how that works out.

Well, I guess that's really all that I have time for this evening.  I'm going to compile some phone numbers to call tomorrow, do a little more reading, then spend some quality time with my Sweetheart.  I'm hoping that his day wasn't too stressful; it seems he hates it at work even more than I used to.  But then, that job really isn't for everyone.  You have to have very tough emotional skin, and that is one thing that Ralphie doesn't really have, which is perfectly fine with me.  So, it's been lovely chatting on here again.  Rest assured, once Life settles down a little I wil lbe posting a lot more often.  I miss you all!  Okay, that's enough for today.  I love you all.  Adieu.
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