An Update....

Dec 15, 2008 02:04

.... It's been a bit of time since I last updated here, due to one thing or another so what has happened in the life of this loon?

Well nearly 14 weeks ago (22nd being the 14th) I have been doing the Lighter Life programme and in that time, I have learnt so much about myself. I am more confident about what I want out of life, and this have been proven hugely in my working life.

I have put this down to the cbt and Transactional Analysis therapy I have been receiving.

On top of that my health has improved ten fold, to the extent that I have started under the instruction of the doctor reducing my flueoxtine (prozac) which is excellent news. My diabetes continues to go from strength to strength.

The best bit about the programme is the 45lbs (3st 3lbs) that I have already lost and the weight that continues to come off.

I went to London last week for the office lunch in Pizza Express and was so impressed with myself being able to sit there and not break my abstinance, being the fact I don't drink anyway cos of my pancreas being sober was even more entertaining.

Got told that I have gone from knowing so much about our systems to knowing nothing. I laughed it off because I know otherwise, and that the reason it was said was due to the fact I have been helping 1st line out due to staff shortages.

It came up again in the Directorate meeting and the individual made himself look a cunt in front of the rest of the team.

I have spoken to my Grade 7 because of it, and she informed me that I was not to worry because she and the G6 know that what he said was crap.

Although when I told my old mucker Pat about it, he was fuming, because the guy saying the crap is far from effective himself lol.

Family life is interesting, but in a good way. My Jason is just perfect in every way for me and being in love with him really does agree with me and he makes me very happy indeed. Got our Christmas tree up, and a few gifts under it which is lovely.

My sister has finally allowed me for the first time in 32 years to be the BIG sister.

An ex of hers has returned into her life, and I can honestly say that this is a VERY good thing for her, as they are still in love with one another and they have never stopped being in love.

Ever since she was diagnosed with Cancer 4/5 years ago she has been alone and I was lead to believe by my mum that he just walked out on her, when the crux of the matter was me mum pushed him away and nailed the door shut by saying that my sis had told her he was shit in bed amongst many other nasty things.

Sis didn't know her arse from her elbow, she was told she could die and end up leaving her son with a very emotionall disturbed father and all she could do was focus on her life and he baby, and he was a baby then too.

So me and me sis have been chatting and she has come to me for support and advice.

Don't get me wrong, I love me mum and always will, but christ she can be a bitch.

Now to friends - I have one poorly, and one very down and another soon to be potentially up shit creek without a paddle.

So Mrs get better soon, and Santa Bex will pop down at the weekend even if it is just to drop the pressies in.

Mrs number 2, we are all here for you and don't suffer alone, we will never be too busy for you.

And Mr, am not sure if I have any of your flist on mine that is near you, but if I do, someone get ya arses into gear and help him and his lovely lady with his move, as I don't want to hear he has ended up in a state and in need of hospital intervention. Sorry I can't help you myself, but you know I would if I weren't up to me earholes doing other stuff and lived closer than god knows how many miles away :(

Apart from that I want to wish all my other lovelies well and a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Just incase I don't come back between now and then xxxx
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