I'm a bit behind myself, but that is nothing new with me :D
Went to Rockworld with Masokiss, and uber_cyborg we missed having psyche_71 hope you are feeling better now hun.
Well I was introduced to True Blood whilst getting ready, am liking I have to say, but a blood Rogue is doing me head in hehehehe
When we got to Rockworld in the cold, being Halloween the weirdo's were out and not me this time ;). It's funny how goths and alts get knocked about looking different, but halloween comes and it's ok for the "Norms" to look odd. How does that work? *laughs*
Well getting back to arriving....... the bloody queue was from Jillys/Rockworld for those that know Oxford street it's opposite Tai Wu, to the Palace theatre and just didn't seem to end, so we suddenly magically saw Jeff who Kell and Otto know and piled in with him *sneaky bastards*
Finally got in and met Sarah, Andy and Darren, who were lovely it has to be said, and that Sarah is most prettiful to boot :) The atmosphere was great, bumped into Tinika who is nuts, but looked fab as a bee :D
Only one self absorbed wanker and she was elbowed into place *giggles and winks knowingly at Kell*
We owned the dance floor when Eye of the Tiger was played, and moshed like we were kids again, and on that note, I got fucking asked for ID at the door *LMAO*
Had a fabulous night and spent most of sat with the chups who are growing sooooooo fast :)
Have loads of pics, but before I post them, I have to resize etc, so here are 2 for now.
Thanks guys xxxx