Title: Romeo and Juliet, Hetalia Styel
Rating: PG to PG-13
Characters/Parrings: America, England, Canada, Italy, Prussia, Germany, most nations in smaller roles (Real names used)
Summary: (Hetalia) The story of forbidden love between two teens from rival families.
Chapter 1
town from young Alfred and Matthew, Lord Toris and Ludwig, of the prince’s family, were strolling through the Capulet lands. They were discussing Toris’ son. At least they were until Lord Toris changed the subject.
“I can’t believe that Lord Ivan! We Capulets are peace keepers. It is his family’s fault.” Ludwig nodded.
“I am aware of that sir.” He looked to Lord Toris, “What is this fight even about anyway? Why do you hate the Montagues so?”
“That matters not.” Ludwig sighed, did he even know anymore? This fight had been going on for years. One would think that they would just let it go.
“Well, what do you think of my question?” Lord Toris looked at Ludwig.
“Feliciano, my youngest son,” he took a deep breath, “He is still a young man. Give him a few more years, and then he will be a good husband.” Ludwig looked at him. He didn’t want to wait a few more years. Well, more like the prince and his brother wouldn’t let him. They wanted him to marry as soon as possible to the Capulet house. He didn’t understand why they didn’t make his elder brother, Gilbert, marry this Feliciano. He sighed, he had to try.
“Many men are married with children when they are younger than him,” he pointed out. They were, he was apparently getting to old to be single as well. And yet Prince/Princess Hong Kong wasn’t making Gilbert, who was older, get married. Lord Toris looked at him.
“They all get married to early!” He tried to calm himself down. “Feliciano is my baby boy,” even if he does cross dress all the time. “He’s the last of my children. All my others have left me,” Ludwig nodded. It had been quite the scandal when Lord Toris’ elder boy, Lovino, had run off with Antonio, the tomato boy from the market. Ludwig couldn’t say he was too upset about that. For some reason, Lovino never liked him. When he would just go walking in the square Lovino would throw things at him or call him names. For some reason Lovino also thought he looked like a potato. Wait...what if Feliciano was like Lovino? He really didn’t want to marry this boy now. But...his family said he needed to.
“I know he is,” Ludwig said. “But, think about what this marriage can do for you. The Montagues would fear you. With both your family and the Prince’s family together they wouldn’t fight with you anymore.” Lord Toris considered this.
“If you can woo my Feliciano then he is yours.” Ludwig nodded at this as he cursed his family. He really didn’t want to marry. He’d also heard rumors about the cross dressing Feliciano. He just hoped that Feliciano didn’t want to marry either.
“That sounds agreeable Lord Toris.”
“Good. Now, I was having a party tonight, you can start then.” He snapped his fingers and a servant, named Cuba, came running up.
“Yes master?” Lord Toris pulled a paper out of his pocket. He smiled at the servant.
“This is a list of people I need you to invite to the party tonight,” he said. Cuba nodded. He went off to invite everyone. He ran into one problem though. He couldn’t read. Maybe he could find someone that knew how to read to help him. He walked halfway across town. That took a lot out of him! He wasn’t really in the best shape. Walking sucked! It made him move...and there was no ice cream involved! How could anyone like movement? He sighed as he saw two men walking. They looked so similar, they must have been twins! They might know how to read! He called out to them. They were a bit too busy bickering to hear him at first,
“Alfred! Kiku’s not the only fish in the sea!”
“But Matt....He’s the best...and so amazing...and he has the most amazing voice, and...”
“Have you even spoken to him?”
“Then how do you know?”
“I just do!”
“That makes no sense...” Finally Cuba got their attention. The men looked at him,
“Kind sirs, you don’t know how to read...do you?” Alfred smirked almost evilly at the man.
“I may know how to read.” Matthew rolled his eyes at his cousin. Apparently he could make fun of people even when depressed. Cuba sighed.
“Do you know how to read?” He asked. Cuba needed to get this done! His master would be mad if he didn’t. Though...he could just hang out with a cute blond all day, which sounded fun.
“I learned long ago,” Alfred said. Cuba looked at him.
“Do you still know how?” Cuba asked him angrily. He needed to get this list done! Alfred pretended to think about it.
“Matt...how do you read?” Matthew rolled his eyes. Oh Alfred...
“Fine! I’ll go fid someone else!” Cuba turned to stalk off when Alfred grabbed him.
“Oh calm down! I’ll read your stupid paper,” he said. He grabbed the paper and started reading.
“Sir Heracles and his wife and their cats,
The widow Sadiq,
County Tino and Berwald and their little Hanatamago,
Gilbert and his brother Ludwig,
Dear Uncle Peter and Uncle Raivis and their child, Arthur,
Lonely Uncle Eduard,
Cousin Vash and his wife, Lili and their child Kiku,” Alfred read. He looked at Cuba.
“This is a list of people” Cuba nodded.
“My master has told me to invite them to the party tonight.” Alfred and Matthew looked at him. They hadn’t heard about a party that night. Cuba looked at them. Well, more he looked at Matthew and winked at him.
“If you’re not enemies you may come,” he said excitedly, “I hope you will!” He rather wanted the one with the dog to come...he was so cute! The boys looked at him. Matthew thought about it.
“Where is it?”
“At my master’s home,” Alfred rolled his eyes. This servant wasn’t bright was he? He sighed.
“Who do you serve?”
“Oh, Lord Toris Capulet,” he said before running off. Alfred looked at his cousin. Matthew looked at him. He got an idea.
“You know, Kiku will be there tonight,” He said. Alfred wailed,
“Oh why would I want to go?” He sniffled and waved his hands wildly. “He can never love me!” Matthew sighed, why was Alfred like this all the time? Maybe he should have just put up with Gilbert...much easier,
“Well, you can see that there ARE many other handsome men in Verona...and then you’ll see how much Kiku pales in comparison!”
“NO! No one can compare to Kiku!” Matthew rolled his eyes, so it was going to come down to this...
“Gilbert’s going too...you know he’ll help with this,” He said. Alfred looked at Matthew that was true.
“Fine! I’ll go tonight! But I won’t be happy at all!” He exclaimed. Matt smiled, now...time to find the other one of their trio and get Alfred excited for the night.
In the Capulet mansion Lady Feliks was having a ‘freak out’.
“Like OH MY GOD! Nurse! Like where’s Feli? I totally neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to see him!” Elizaveta sighed and went to see Lady Feliks.
“I’m not sure where Feliciano is...would you like me to call him?” She asked as she thought about how she needed to get him with someone. Feliciano was the perfect shape for her newest comic...but she needed someone to play the other man! Maybe at the party she could make someone fall in love with the goofy boy.
“Like, it’d be amazing if you’d call him!”
“Felici! Can you come here please?” She yelled from where see stood. Lady Feliks tapped his foot impatiently. Feliciano came bursting down.
“Ve~ what is it?” he asked giving a goofy smile to the two.
“Your....mother wants you.” She said trying to remember how to refer to ‘Lady’ Feliks. Some times he wanted to be ‘daddy’ and other times ‘mom’. Feliks was just so...him...her...it. Feliks looked to his son.
“Your father’s throwing a party tonight,” He said. Feliciano nodded, he didn’t understand why that mattered. His...mother...father...thing went on, “he’s inviting Ludwig, from the Prince/Princess’ family!”
“What does that have to do with me?” he asked.
“Like your father wants you to marry this Ludwig!” Feliciano looked at his parent.
“But what if I don’t love him?” Elizaveta scoffed,
“Have you SEEN him? He’s amazing looking!” Feliciano looked at her, she normally like love...maybe she needed models?
“Ve~but I want to be in love if I get married!” He sniffled. Lady Feliks looked like he didn’t know what to do. Elizaveta hugged him.
“Don’t cry baby! Everything will be ok,” She tried to sooth him. Lady Feliks sighed,
“will you try to love him?” Feliciano nodded, he tried to calm down to talk.
“I’ll look and try to love...but I don’t know...” Feliks nodded and sent him off. He wanted some pasta. He also wanted to talk to his brother, but he was in exile to Mantua. Well, more like he ran away to Mantua. He wasn’t very welcome after he gave up all he had for the poor tomato farmer, Antonio. But Feliciano was happy for his bossy older brother. He had always been...angry, but Antonio seemed to make that all better. But at the moment he wished he could talk to Romano. His brother wrote home to him every now and then...but it wasn’t the same as having him home. Oh the things love made people do. But he couldn’t think about that right now, he had a party to get ready for.
AN: Ok, well, this is about when it starts getting messed up. The plot's the same: "Two teens from rival families have a forbiden romance" but...it's going to be a touch diffrent. I'm also adding a few 'original' scenes. I think one was in the last chapter...with Prussia's first apperence...three scenes before he acutally apears. So, next chapter is the 'messed up' part.
Just in case you wanted to know, Canada's parents were Korea and Belarus. So, just to keep it all straight...
Russia + China= America
Korea + Belarus = Canada
Leit + Poland = Italy
Hong Kong (Somehow) = Germany and Prussia
Sealand + Latvia = England...
Switzerland + Liechtenstein= Japan
So...those are the 'parents' of the 'main cast'...I think I got them all, just ask if you want more...anyways, This story uses my Romeo and Juliet parings and my Hetalia parings.