"Unfortunately, there are people today who, through no fault of their own, are sane."

May 03, 2010 17:29

So yeah, let's just keep paying $30 a year for the livejournal and then never update it. Great jarb.

Um... this semester is done tonight, and I could not be more relieved. I had more projects to do this semester than I had in the previous four freakin' years. 18 hours of observation in a Kindergarten class, 30 Arts lesson plans, developing an alternate story presentation, a full literacy kit, Positive Behavior journal... AGH. And next semester, self, it would not hurt to NOT get sick as hell the last two weeks of class.

I did get to teach my first "official" lesson plan to three kindergartners, so we did a math/language arts lesson on Dinosaurs. And it was good. One of the boys I worked with kept asking me after this if I was going to work with him again, and I had to say "Sorry, no". The TAs in his class did not seem to think much of him because he has an IEP and a physical processing disability (he stammers when talking), along with poor fine motor control. He isn't "gifted", so they seem to think he isn't worth their time. He is a nice little guy, very eager to learn, and more attentive to detail than any other five year old I have ever seen. I will miss him most of all.

On the modeling front, I have not accomplished a damn thing. I have literally not touched any of them for three months, though that hasn't stopped me buying more. I did eventually get my MC-80 ship and Ravenstars' last Spartan (one of only three in existence). My customsbunny has been going mad. Madder. Maddest. I haven't even started the Monarch and I've already come up with another Sovereign dreadnought variant, and it keeps looking at other ships and aeroplanes I have and wanting to put fancy bits on them. We really should not turn an F-22 into a Starfleet fighter class, self.

Our menagerie has seen some losses and additions as well. Angel, our oldest bunny, died back in February. Tweek, our girl chinchilla, got into the furnace and died, because SOMEONE hadn't put a grate over a vent under the dishwasher. I'm fairly sure she was scared in there by the cat. We had a bit of a scare with Lucy (one of the babies who are now 2 years old); she was having trouble breathing on Friday. Turns out she had pneumonia, but she's doing a lot better now with medicines. She is absolutely furious with us because we have to clamp her to get her to take it, but that's just too bad. We also now have Rocky, a white and black chinchilla. We were convinced that she was a boy for more than a month, though it turns out that is not the case.

There isn't much to say about Target at the point, aside from the fact that I think it's bullshit they'd put me on corrective action for calling in sick three days in a row. "Not reliable" my ass. I suppose if I got in a car accident and wound up in the hospital that would just prove their point. Whatever, I'm not staying there more than another year (if that); I'm destined for bigger things.

Reid is still my little bug. His stutter has gotten so much worse, however. If I even mentioned that... he stammers quite a bit when trying to talk, and it seriously affects his communication. The best thing for him is to let him say what he wants to, but his parents... his parents I know for a fact do not handle anything with the delicacy or understanding required because they are drugged up fucking morons. I wish I could adopt him and Paige. Just adopt them, bring them home with me, take care of them and give them all the love they needed. Pipe dreams I know...

I have a final in half an hour that I have not studied for. At this point, I care not. We will most likely review for it, and the point will be moot.

That is all.
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