"If you gots any more feelings to express, get in the kitchen and put ‘em in a bundt cake."

Oct 11, 2008 00:58

McCain tells a crowd to "take it down a notch", to boos and jeers" Apparently, HE'S A TERRORIST ZOMG.

This sort of crap was in Minnesota, too. Lakeville or wherever this was held, you're THIS CLOSE to being wiped off the map. But you will be anyways, because I'm sure your brilliant town founders built on a floodplain, like half the goddamn state.

More to the point, how can you support McCain, knowing that he has a certain type of people behind him. Namely, people who say such brilliant things like:

"McCain passed his wireless microphone to one woman who said, "I can't trust Obama. I have read about him and he's not he's not uh-he's an Arab. He's not-" before McCain retook the microphone and replied:

"No, ma'am," the Arizona senator assured. "He's a decent family man [and] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not [an Arab]."

This stupid bitch sounds like my cousin after a bottle of wine. "He's an ayrab. It are fact. I know, because I reads it on the intarweb." Obama USED to be a devout follower of Islam. I don't know what changed, but there you have it. And no, he is not an Ay-rab. He was raised in America, and he grew up in a poor, rough neighborhood. He worked his ass off to get to where he is today. Despite his sweeping rhetoric and dodgy promises (which is what every politician does, and what every drooling moron wants to hear, so stop bitching about it already) he is far more down to earth than McCain ever will be, because he can related to 80% of the country. Check your facts, you stupid whore.

In addition to the man who said he feared Obama as president, another predicted the Democrat would “lead the country to socialism.”

He's scared, because Obama's not a "good ol' boy." He's "that one". That one what? Even I think that comment had slavery written all over it. And by the way, being scared of Commie Pinkos is soooo 1990. And really, after all Capitalism has done to this country, maybe Socialism isn't such a bad idea. "Oh noes, that means I'd have to slog out of my trailer, put down my heineken, stop fucking my sister and daughter every night, and work! No moar welfares!"

“The time has come and the Bible tells us you speak the truth and that the truth sets you free,” the man added.

Oh good, we can discredit your opinion because you obviously supported Bush. After all, Bush is the only president who uses "God's will" as justification for pissing away trillions of dollars, giving license to business criminals to steal more trillions, and sending out troops over to die while slaughtering thousands through bungled air strikes and misleading intelligence.

Yet another voter implored McCain in plain terms: "The people here in Minnesota want to see a real fight."

A real fight? Would you perhaps be implying a fight such as the absolutely fucking ridiculous back-and-forth shit between Al Franken and Norm Coleman? Jesus, we already get swamped with McCain ads screeching about Obama's "ties to terrorists" and "voting against troop funding", and "murdering puppies" and other such bullshit. The only reason we see so much of it is that Minnesota is traditionally a Democratic state. You people living out in the fucking sticks probably don't pay any attention to real world matters, until the word "terrorist" is involved.

McCain promised the audience he wouldn’t back down-but again sought to tamp down emotions.

"We want to fight, and I will fight," McCain said. "But I will be respectful. I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments and I will respect him."

At which point he was booed again.

"I don't mean that has to reduce your ferocity," he added over the jeers. "I just mean to say you have to be respectful."

Translation: I know you're a bunch of racist pieces of shit, but you have to be nicer about it, despite your first amendment rights. McCain was only trying to distance himself from these lunatics who won't stop screeching about OBAMA'S A TERRORIST ZOMG. He realizes that these racist assholes (after all, only with a black candidate would you hear shouts of "liar!", "Kill him!" and "terrorist!" From a predominantly ignorant, redneck, dipshit crowd.) are bad for his image. And considering how badly he's tarnished his own image with that twit Palin and his seriously disrespectful behavior towards Obama... I mean, damn. It's like he's TRYING to fail. The only thing he's succeeded in doing lately is drawing a tiny bit of attention away from Palin, and onto his own failures. That's why Saturday Night Live has turned him into a laughing stock, and I say good on them.

Asked if some of the shots McCain and Palin have taken against Obama on the stump and in TV ads may be contributing to the raw emotions, Rogers said such sentiments were “garbage.”

“The idea that we should not question Obama’s record and readiness to be president is offensive to democracy,” he said.

Yes, of course it's garbage! Palin has only hammered the point home with her own brand of dipshit crowd, and now it's going to be the focus of their attack ads. Of COURSE people came to their own conclusions about it and got seriously pissed off about it. Wrong again, you fuck sticks. And nice way to twist it to your advantage... hurr, "offensive to democracy." What's offensive to democracy is McCain being four more years of Bush's failures.

Read this, and then actually read about Ayers. Jesus. He didn't even do any of the bombings himself, and half of his buddies blew themselves up making bombs. But watch out, they were TOTALLY DANGEROUS. They halted air strikes in Vietnam for a few days, oh noes. They may have actually saved lives. If that sounds crazy, consider this: with all the fancy sensor/targeting equipment we have today, our fourth and fifth generation fighters still miss half the damn time. What would stop a 2nd or 3rd generation clunker with busted ass radar from dropping a Genie on a Cambodian village in 1970? Draw your own damn conclusions. And Ayers was active in some very respectable areas: education reform, for one. Seriously people, do some damn research before you start screeching like the shit-chucking apes you are.

Don't like it? Tough titties. And no, Obama hasn't impressed the hell out of me either. But considering where he came from, and looking at his competition... I mean, damn.

And why do I care? Because I refuse to let a handful of ignorant, half-wit, small-town, racist, rat-bastard hicks try to speak for me and anyone else with half a brain. And if you live in a state where the same kind of shit is going on, you should be mad as hell, too.

The stock market has plummeted 1400 points in a week. What a shock. The economy needs to be rebooted. Just start from scratch, tell this corporations to give up their hoarded golds, get rid of all the fuzzy bullshit buzzwords, and start on over. Is it any more naive than throwing money at these companies? Not really. "Throw money at the problem, and the problem will remain."

Nothing like a vitriol saturated rant now and then, eh?

A small crisis has presented itself, but was solved forthwith. I wasn't entirely aware that the Urban Teacher Program I was trying to get in to at Metropolitan State required a class I hadn't yet taken. As well as me taking the Praxis Pre-Professional who's-it test. Therefore, I'm holding off on Graduation until Spring. I plan to take Multicultural Education, Physics, Intro to Astronomy, and perhaps Spanish. The two sciences are not required for admission, but they would have to be done sooner or later. The Spanish is not a necessity, but it would be useful. A slightly larger crisis is still broiling in my head. I was also unaware that my Life Sciences licensure I would gain from completing the degree would license me for Grades 5-8 General Science, and Grades 9-12 Life Sciences. While I really did have my heart set on Elementary Science teaching, this may work for the better. I don't understand the teenage mind, but I think it would be easier for me to teach kids with more critical thinking ability. Teenagers annoy me, but trying to teach ze little ones would probably drive me stark staring up a tree, just trying to simplify and explain. Perhaps teaching ze high school level would suit me more. Plus, I wouldn't have to sing. That, and I can't find an elementary ed program in the area, at least not one that requires tons of classes I don't have.

Essentially, the program will give me licensure, and a B.S. in Life Sciences Teaching. I would keep my B.A. in Biology, as the GELS and core area classes would carry over, essentially. Mwa ha ha.

The computer at work decided that it hates me. Yesterday, it took me two hours just to print two days worth of confirmations, because the printer borked, fucked up the computer, and only having Dennis pester it with half a dozen start up discs and a new printer made it cooperate again.

Hrm. I believe that is all for now. Except... I find it difficult to believe that a tiny story event in a Silent Hill game I will probably never get a chance to play has disturbed me this much. I swear that damn game is going to give me the Vapours.

Also, I bought nice sharp yesterday, 50 percent off. Photos to follow sometime soon.
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