Goddamnit. EGM sends me an "Automatic Subscription Renewal" thing in the mail, saying that my subscription will expire with the July Issue, mailed out May 5th. My credit card will be billed at that time, or thereabouts. Nope! It turns out that they charged me on Wednesday, before I got paid. The funny thing is, it has not shown up on my EGM customer page, nor have I received an email about it. I guess EGM's computer thing has no problem charging me, but not telling me about it until it updates on Monday. And of course, TCF decides to send me a notice of overdraft along with a juicy fee of $34. I've already called the EGM customer service thing and received little resistance from them (they will even give me a refund as soon as EGM's computer thing is updated or some nonsense, as then the charge will appear on my profile.) What a fucking crock. Bunch of fucking business criminals stealing more money from people... and if anyone says "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer" I'm going to slap the shit out of them. That's basically what it is, yeah, but that makes it sound like nothing can be done, the system is there, might as well scratch our balls and shop for Heelys. You people could stop electing business criminals into power for a start... that's why it's so bad, it's because of our fucking administration. I've been saying it for the past 239028 years!
At least, I'm 99% sure that this is what caused it... I haven't purchased anything else for $24.97 in the past week, certainly not on wednesday. I'm going to TCF later to fix this... if it is indeed what I think it is, they will remove it and consider themselves lucky I do not vaporize them. If they cite "policy" and resist, then Doom shall lay into them like they've never been laid into before! This I foresee going badly... the rage is dying down and Doom cannot ream while not furious... STAY FURIOUS!
Doom... Doom must learn to read the fine print. My Comet Empire Destroyer was not some super rare big scale kit of the bloody thing, it was instead an American release of the same mini kit. As in... tiny little pisser. asdfjkl;poiermcalkj@(#)#... not worth the 12 I payed, plus the damn 9.50 for shipping... but it said right in the damn picture "Mini Collection Series #1", so that should have tipped me off. Just another moment that makes me question whether or not I have anything left upstairs. I also bought a little nostalgia piece... I used to collect Star Trek Micro Machines figures, at least until they stopped appearing in stores 10 years ago. I saw a Deep Space 9 Karemma vessel figure on ebay, which is one of the very few I never was able to find, and I wonned it. Yay. And yes, both of these were BEFORE the overdraft business, so I don't want to hear any "well this post is rather contradictory, nyergh nyergh nyeeerrrgh".
My effing route home today: 3A to University-->16 to Lexington-->Scale Model Supplies-->KFC (across the street, and its popcorn chicken is now making me a bit sick)-->16 to Snelling-->84H to TCF Highland to get some Georges (where I suppose I could've noticed that my balance was alarmingly "off", but I didn't)-->Haskell's for some DRINK-->46C to 46th Street station-->55 to 38th Street. Ugh. Took me two goddamn hours to get home on the bus. BUT since I got paid finally, I got a coupla models (these have no effect on the whole overdraft situation... I'm not going to warn you again!)
Revell-Monogram/Babylon 5- One of the at least 100 Science Fiction type shows that seem to have disappeared, and it was probably for the best. Maybe? Farscape should GTFO, it's awful. Anyways. I don't watch the show, I just thought it was a neat looking space station.
Bandai/EDF Cruiser: As I said before, it looks like the Patrol ship (that absolutely no one noticed) only with fewer antennae spiky bits, and it has moar turrets. There are other, more subtle differences, but there you have it. I gotted this from the same guy who has supplied almost my entire Starblazers fleet.
I have a blue Ebay star. You do not. Therefore, I am better than you.
j_ballistics and I have made a baby together. His name is George and he is a ninja. Why do I have attachment to a picture of an anime style podling when I have an IRL babeh? Because I can poke this babeh whenever I so choose; for me to pester Reidyroooooo he either has to be driven down hyah, or I have to go all the way out to goddamn Ham Lake... That, and George doesn't run away and get into things. "Reid, buddy, put the napalm away... please? No, that's C4, not candy... DON'T TOSS IT TO ME-*SPABOOOOMMM!!!*" *sigh*... If only he lived down the street.
captain_ioga was kind enough to allow me to hijack his Wifi intarwebs, as well as buy me a Wii Points card, so I could use the Virtual Consoles. I now have a channel for Bubble Bobble, Kirby's Dreamland (NES), SIn & Punishment, and Super Metroid. My system was also given an update, though this seemed to break Smash Bros Brawl. It wouldn't even start up the first two times we tried it, and then after that it was just horribly slow AND kept quitting due to errors. After another two errors, it finally decided to cooperate. I guess Wii Bull was just rusty... or summat. Yeah. We spent most of yesterday afternoon playing that (Lab was cancelled! Yay!) and destroying each other. Ioga is quite the demon with Kirby's rock bomb; though it might get a bit predictable, that sonuvabitch somehow manages to be tricksy with it... I specialize in Lucario's psychia Yoga, Bowser's power level of ovar 9000, Yoshi's insane pedal kicks, and Wolf's "Surprise!" smashes. Ha!
Part of this was training for the tournament tonight that will be held at the Riverview... I'm really not sure what to think of it... either there will be ovar 9000 people trying to winz and most of them being cheap pricks, or there will be 2 people who are excellentzors, or just a few goofy kids who don't know the controller from their assholes. I dunno. It doesn't matter if I am teh winner... it doesn't help that I've never been in a tournament before, except against CPUs in my games, and those don't count.
Argh... I'm not in a good mood... damn bank and their fucking fuckery... hate world, revenge soon, take out on all...
Edit: I am very much surprise. The bank person I talked to knocked off the fee after I explainified my position. I didn't even have to break out the claws... which is probably for the best. TCF, know this. You have redeemed yourselves in the eyes of Doom this day. But... just... watch it!