"For us, ze toilet is a functional and mundane item. For you, it is ze basis of an entire culture!"
This post doesn't contain much except TL;DR. Proceed at your own risk.
Something I heard taking place at Target disturbed me a bit.
I was in the Electronics section, playing Tools of Destruction, and I heard some lady and her daughter asking for "Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories." The girl of course could not shut up about the fact that one of her friends had the second game (KH II) and wanted the first one. Never mind that, the two teenage clerks in the section proceeded to ask each other and everyone else in the store if they had "Kingdom of Hearts", and were very diligent at glancing through the games, noting that Kingdom Hearts II was there, but they didn't have the first "Kingdom of Hearts", and simply apologized to the lady and her child, then wandered away.
Why do they let these fucking idiot kids work there, in the Electronics no less? I mean, I'm sure they rotate employees around a lot more within Target, but still. It would be the same story no matter where you went in the store. "Urhh... I dunno if we have dat... lemme ask", which is pointless, because everyone else in the store is as useless and confused as they are. Maybe I'm crazy for thinking this, but if you work in the electronics section at a store, you should know something about what the hell you're selling. And no, knowing how to look through a case of games or read a digital camera placard does not count. All these damn retail places are hiring nothing but idiot fucking kids who can't tell their ass from a glazed ham; Super Target on Cedar is among the worst. Even if one of them takes a break from being pompous and offers to help, good luck getting someone who knows what the hell they're doing. "Yes, actually, you can help me." "...Crap. He called my bluff."
How would I have been able to handle it? "Actually, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories is a Game Boy Advance game, and since it's at least three years old we don't have it. The FIRST Kingdom Hearts was on the Playstation 2, but since that's six years old we wouldn't have it, either. Chains of Memories' story follows events that happened between the first and second game, and would probably clear up a lot of the second game's story. I would recommend looking at Gamestop for a used copy of either one of these; you could probably find either one fairly cheap. If you look online, Amazon is your best bet; you might even be able to find a NEW copy for a decent price."
That's what I did ALL THE FUCKING TIME at Toys R Us. If we didn't have it, and the customer hadn't already chewed my face off about us not carrying their precious item, I could almost always direct them to somewhere that WOULD have it. We didn't have a specific videa gayme, I told 'em where someone was likely to have it. We didn't have a certain toy, I told 'em a better place to try. Everyone else I worked with was always asking me where things were in the stores, and I could bally well direct them to it. I didn't just say "Sorry, don't have it." then wander away like these fucking kids. I bally well tried to help people. Occasionally I got someone who bitched that "Well I came here to get it, why the hell would I want to go somewhere else, rar rar rar..." You tell me. You're the one who wanted it, but you must not want it very much if you don't want to try anywhere else.
That said... yeah. I'm tired of these idiot kids who don't have any damn work ethic. I had to ask someone if they had gotten Silent Hill: Origins at Best Buy, but it took me half a fucking hour because the stupid asshole kept wandering off to other sections, and then when I managed to corner him, he took about 10 seconds to "check his kompootour" and tell me it hadn't been released yet. Which makes sense when you consider I went to Gamestop 15 minutes later and the game was quite obviously available. Stupid, lazy shits.
I applied to work at this Super Target, but they haven't even bothered to call me. And I want to work there, why? Screw it. So I've also applied for Summer ALC. I hope that goes somewhere. Hub Hobby and Petsmart would also be worth trying for.
Ending that ramble... I played Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction for about 10 minutes... it vaguely makes me want a PS3, until I noticed that the graphics weren't that much better, Ratchet's animation looks distinctly jerky in spots, and it's kinda the same idea as the last few games. He also just... doesn't look quite right. It didn't help that they changed some of the controls around. They worked just fine the way they were for the first four games, geniuses. Besides, nothing Insomniac could do will ever top Up Your Arsenal. "LAWWWWREEEENNNNNCEEEEEE!!!"
And thanks to mai skools hispeedz intarwebs, I was able to watch a video of Ratchet & Clank Size Matters...
_bloodinmyeyes_ was kind enough to purchase it for me for present. Did I mention that? No? Alas. Despite the generally negative reviews of it, and the fact that yes, the worlds look pretty ugly (Thanks, High Impact games. You can kiss my colossal metal ass) watching it really, really, really, REALLY made me want to play teh game. Seriously. The problem is... I have lab in an hour, and after that I have a meeting (is it top sekrit? No.) and because an EFFING MOUSE kept me up all night, when I get home I will be going to sleeps. And I don't care about the negative reviews and the problems associated with it. I really don't. I didn't care about the borked Spyro Enter the Dragonfly (that is, after the frame rate stopped giving me jet lag), because I am teh master of Spyro. I am also teh Masters of Ratchet & Clanks. Any questions? Apart from this one? Good.
On the note of graphics, either Target's using an inferior type of televiski, or the PS3 has a lot of explaining to do. Tools of Destruction looked horribly jagged. On Hi Def TVS, games actually look worse than they do on our old RCA set. I think it's part of this high resolution shit everyone is shrieking about... with an older TV, somehow the jaggies get blurred out. There is a clear difference between, for example, Mario Galaxy on our set, and some LCD/Plasma shit on the store kiosks. On our TV, it looks fine. On the high definition set, it looks like a goddamn mess. Therefore, my motivation to get a shiny new, big screen set is... what, exactly? Maybe it just appears that way because at these store demo things, you have to stand literally inches away from the screen so your eyes start burning, and at home I can sit a good distance away. Or perhaps I'm insane and the game really looked not-that-bad, and I'm just looking for reasons to not want it.
Obsessive much? Not at all.
The Su-27 sits in its box, the Tigershark also sits in its box, and the Viper is done, albeit it needs a bit of touch up on the wings where I used the flat coat stuff. So, I'm working on the Cosmo Zero. It's going well so far, apart from some uncooperative yellow paint. There are some rather awful looking decals, but I'm not even going to bother with those... Guards Red for the nose bit and Flat Black for the Anti-Glare panel will work nicely.
On that front, there is a super rare Comet Empire Destroyer kit I am watchings on Ebay, and I WILL have it, or there will be DOOM. I also wish to acquire an EDF Cruiser. It looks like the Patrol Ship, but with less antennae/sensors/microwave beams and moar turrets.
Shiva... may yet be pregnant. When I prod her tummy (much to her displeasure), she feels lumpier than Shippo. Ha! Neeple! Neeple neeple neeeeeeeple! There may also be the baby bunnehs in there, though they probably should have come by now. Plox 2 b having no more than 2 babehs...
I think my lungs are broken... and for some reason I keep thinking... "Tuberculosis"... oh bother.