"Once you leave out all the bullshit they teach you in school, life gets really simple."

Feb 02, 2008 00:45

I have been ITCHY ITCHY ITCHY the past couple of days. My side, arms, wrists, ankles, shoulders, bottom; even inside my ears fer feck's sake. Either I'm allergic to Shiva, or someone's standing over a voodoo doll of me with itching powder, laughing like a bastard somewhere. I'M ON TO YOUR WITCHCRAFT!!!

After seeing the experimental Prometheus class starships in an episode of Voyager so many years ago, I wanted one. Unfortunately, they don't make a proper kit of the bloody thing, of course. They do make a small Furuta model, but I always thought it would be too small to really matter; like a two inch Micro Machines figure. I finally caved and bought one, along with the runabout USS Rio Grande. The Prometheus comes prepainted, and it's about five inches in length. That may seem tiny, but it's a nice size and nicely detailed. Anypoo. I likeded the Prometheus enough to get another one. Along with a Farragut, Grissom, and a Jem Hadar attack ship. Fwee.

And the seller of the Bubble Yum fighter is sending me another model. At least, I hope it's the same kit... the other one has been devoured by the post, never to be seen again. Arseholes.

LordAmanthudus: GUT EVENING
TheSalzerEffect: 'allo
LordAmanthudus: Would monsieur care to hear the evening's specials?
TheSalzerEffect: oui
LordAmanthudus: Tonight's special is chicken glop, avec cranberry schlorp with a side of vegetable grblblgs
TheSalzerEffect: sounds delicious
LordAmanthudus: Oui
TheSalzerEffect: i'll have a double
LordAmanthudus: Non
LordAmanthudus: we do not offer ze double orders, monsieur
TheSalzerEffect: if i order it twice
TheSalzerEffect: can you bring it out in one bucket instead of two?
LordAmanthudus: .....
LordAmanthudus: I shall speak to ze chef about zat matter
TheSalzerEffect: i'll wait
TheSalzerEffect: *eats a roll*
LordAmanthudus: Those are ox testicles, monsieur
TheSalzerEffect: *eats a baby*
LordAmanthudus: Please, monsieur, I must insist zat you refrain from eating ze other patron's babehs.
TheSalzerEffect: *eats your decorative ficus*
LordAmanthudus: Zey just complain, even though zere is nothing I can do.
LordAmanthudus: ....
LordAmanthudus: If monsieur enjoys passing plastic covered avec fur, monsieur may enjoy zat.
TheSalzerEffect: why would a ficus have fur on it
LordAmanthudus: Because... it does.
TheSalzerEffect: do you know what a ficus is?
LordAmanthudus: ...Non. I must confess zat I do not.
TheSalzerEffect: it's a tree
LordAmanthudus: Ah

But decorative ficuses would be plastic covered with some sort of fur or fuzz, right? Later...

LordAmanthudus: Shiva managed to make my ear bleed today...
LordAmanthudus: er.. yesterday
TheSalzerEffect: ok
LordAmanthudus: she was trying to nibble my face, so I grabbed her...
LordAmanthudus: *cue flailing*
TheSalzerEffect: uh huh
LordAmanthudus: and her razor sharp claws caught me
LordAmanthudus: in the ear
TheSalzerEffect: my cat puts holes in me constantly
LordAmanthudus: serves you right
LordAmanthudus: bloody cats
LordAmanthudus: I hate the stupid things
LordAmanthudus: they way they meow, and they piss all over the place
LordAmanthudus: and their shit smells just awful, all over my furniture...
TheSalzerEffect: o.O
TheSalzerEffect: it's called house training, you freak
LordAmanthudus: rofl

I merely found this so funny, because a.) if you've been paying attention, you would know I don't own a cat, b.) I really don't have a problem with cats, and c.) that is precisely what Gregg the Grim Reaper muttered as he left Conker in Bad Fur Day's afterlife scene.

Onto the next:

LordAmanthudus: but there's a sliiiigghhhhtt chance school will be of the canceled
TigerHwk71: ooooh, slight chance is good
LordAmanthudus: I bloody well hope so
LordAmanthudus: the wind chill is something like -45
LordAmanthudus: fahrenheit
LordAmanthudus: which would beeeeeeee....
LordAmanthudus: more than -40 Celcius
TigerHwk71: youch
LordAmanthudus: yes
LordAmanthudus: I opened the door to check for mail
LordAmanthudus: and I started getting frostbite just from touching the inside of the door
TigerHwk71: coldness. ouchies
TigerHwk71: me no like shrinkage
LordAmanthudus: O_O
LordAmanthudus: it may or may not shrivel up like a stack of dimes
LordAmanthudus: but I'm more concerned about chunks of my face being blasted off by glacial winds
LordAmanthudus: so, I need to find my baliclava
LordAmanthudus: balaclava... something like that
TigerHwk71: yes
TigerHwk71: i beleive that is the correct spelling
LordAmanthudus: my head condom
TigerHwk71: thats the one
TigerHwk71: only it has a hole in it
LordAmanthudus: yes
LordAmanthudus: an eye hole
LordAmanthudus: then a sort of lighter mesh on the mouth, with a different covering over that
TigerHwk71: wait... only one eye hole?
LordAmanthudus: uuummmm
LordAmanthudus: yes
LordAmanthudus: I think so
TigerHwk71: cyclops?
LordAmanthudus: yes
LordAmanthudus: the only thing that bugs me about it is that my glasses fog up from my breath
LordAmanthudus: but I suppose that's a small price to pay for my jaw not falling off
TigerHwk71: you could be an undead that way. no lower jaw.
LordAmanthudus: yes
LordAmanthudus: but it would be hard to bite people
TigerHwk71: true
TigerHwk71: kindof an OMMMM.... ... MMRmrmhmhg. *tap upper jaw on shoulder*
LordAmanthudus: "Um... can I help you?"
LordAmanthudus: Mrrrmrrmmphprmmrprh!! *drools on shoulder*
LordAmanthudus: "...kay."

For the curious, "Mrrrmrrmmphprmmrprh!!" translates to: "Braaaiiiiinnnnssss!!"

This is ridiculous... it was 40 degrees on Monday, and I was able to wait at the train station with no jacket. Tuesday, as I left school the wind hit me like a ton of bricks. 30 MPH wins, it was already about -20. Wednesday, school wasn't cancelled and I didn't go anyways, as the wind chill was near -40. Thus, I missed a geography quiz. Fuck it, I'll take a grade penalty if it means I don't die on the way to school. I'm willing to bet that half the class didn't show up for it. On Thursday, it wasn't too bad. The wind still had a bit of a sting, but not to the point of AUGHITBURNS, WHYBOB. Of course, when our class went out on Como Lake, that's when it decided to turn merciless. It wasn't just sheer wind chill factor, it was more the factor of WHYWONTITSTOP!?

The only reason I went to work Thursday was to turn in a timesheet. I gotsta gets paid, yo. It was probably good that I went in. There was a lot of preparation to do for a class that would actually be using the science room. And I got to colour the planets with crayons. Go me. Yesterday, I spent most of the time making slits in planet mobile work sheets. Boring shit. The only excitement came when the Robbinsdale group kids came in the room during their break and started milling around and being very loud. Fortunately, they didn't touch anything. I had set up a taped.... thing... that will help me finish another job next week. Had they ruined that, lo...

A recent article on Kotaku brought to my attention what appears to be the FINAL character roster of Smash Bros. Brawl. Now, this could be complete and utter bullshit for all we know, but seeing as how it's not April... yeah. Thus far, it looks like every character from the original Smash Bros will appear again. Not only that, but the new characters from Melee will also return, with the disappearance of Pichu (good fucking riddance... stupid little rat...), Dr. Mario, Mewtwo (PORQUUUEEEEE!?!?!?), Young Link (sort of) and Roy.

In addition, the following new characters have been known up until a few days ago, and confirmed: Diddy Kong, Pit, Meta Knight, Pokemon Trainer (WANNA SEE MAI POKEMANS?!), Ike, Solid Snake (lawl, poop joke insert here), King Dedede, Sonic, Wario, Olimar and Lucas. Luigi, Game and Watch, Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon, Ganondorf and Falco were recently "leaked" ("Now leak is a positively disgusting word."). There are a few characters who are ENTIRELY new who have yet to be elaborated on, so I'll just chuck in a few words on them.

Wolf: Of Starfox fame. I really, really, REALLY hope he isn't a direct clone of Fox; after all, Falco was a direct clone of Fox. The last thing we need is another effing clone. So far, different sources have been arguing whether or not he's in it, so I dunno what to think of it.

Lucario: MUZZLEPUFF IS IN TEH GAME?! Lucario is one of mai favorite new pokemans. From what little of the video I saw, he seems like a more sturdy version of Mewtwo. Since Youtube was being a bitch, I saw very little, so you shouldn't trust my opinion here. At any rate, he won't float, so he won't go flying off the stage with a touch of wind. (Insert flatulence joke of your choice here)

Toon Link: Instead of Young Link, we get the cel shaded Link that gamers shit a brick over so many years ago. Good. It might piss a few people off, and it serves 'em right. I have nothing against him.

R.O.B.: That fucking robot... why must they beplague us with this infernal bleeping... thing? Seriously, why? I am sort of curious to see how he'll control, other than that they could've used someone far neater.

The rest of the new ones are old "secret" characters, more or less, so I won't go over them. A total of 35 characters, if that screen of the character select screen can be believed. The number of new characters is very nice "How much?" but missing a few I wanted to see. How cool would it have been to see Fawful in there, shouting "I HAVE FURY!!!" for no reason? Or Professor E. Gadd with his Poltergust 2000? Or... blast, who the devil should be in this game... Someone from Golden Sun. Why do they insist on ignoring such a brilliant game?

I tend to wait weeks or months after receiving a CD before listening to it, with very few exceptions. I usually end up wishing I had started earlier. Infinity on High by the Fall Out Boy isn't quite what I was expecting and ended up being all the better for it. I wasn't expecting crunchy songs, really. The opening song, "Thriller", easily made it into my favorites; "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" is another top choice, though that was what led me to ask for the album, yesno? Anyways. If there were any disappointments, it was "This ain't a scene, it's an arms race...". People seem to think of it as THE definitive song from them, but it's not that great. Catchy, but not that great. Anymoose. Highly recommended; it's far from metal, but even a metalhead needs a break now and then.

Preparation for this speech coming up has not started, but I think I know what I'm going to do. To highlight various stages of the buildage process, the following shall be done:
-Preparation: Minimum necessary equipment (knife, glue, brushes, scissors, nipper, etc...), sprues of pieces from one or more kits.
-Assembly: Bring in a Zoid to highlight a kit that would be completed after assembly, perhaps some sub-assemblies of various kits. Some work on the Su-27 will be required.
-Painting: Bring in a custom Zoid or a Starblazers craft to show a finished painted kit. Show Tigershark to show unfinished painting? Use Su-27 upper fuselage with cockpit to show that painting and assembly are sometimes intertwined.
-Finishing: FINISH COLONIAL VIPER; to show finished decal work and flat coating. Perhaps bring in X-35 to highlight finished decaling and painting, but still some work to be done (filling, sanding?)

That is my plan thus far. And that's only visual aids... I'm not sure what I'm going to do for notes... note cards might make sense.

There's a Lifehouse song that I like... I'm not sure whether this is good or bad.

The Minnesota DNR website offered this helpful tidbit among random facts that pop up when you read about lake quality: Did you know?Fishing piers are installed on lakes to provide opportunities for shore fishing. Well thank Bob I now know what fishing piers are there for! This will save me from many a sleepless night, now that I don't have to lie awake, wondering... pondering...*

*Translation: Thanks for the advice, you condescending pricks. I'm sure even non-anglers could've figured that one out.


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