"Waiter, this veal tastes like the inside front panel of Ferdinand Magellan's shorts."

Jan 28, 2008 01:07

Rosie's snuffles just will not go away. Therefore, she was taken back to the vet. THIS time, however, there were no incompetent shit stains telling us to give ALL the bunnies medicine. No sirree bob, that would not have sat well with any of us. She's on Baytril and Reglan again, and this time there will be no bunnidemic to scare us all and cause us to skip doses. We still need to bring down the hammer on that guy's ass...

At the pizza party, however long ago that was, we saw a video of Paige when she was Reid's age. It was rather odd to see... she looked like a cross between Reid and the Bree monster... she was also very quiet. That was certainly odd... Reid doesn't even really say real words yet, and he never shuts up. When she learned proper words and sentences, she didn't shut up, so it has been theorized that when the Reid monster learns proper words and sentences, he'll never say anything. This shall be interesting.

Congratulation! goes to blue_kitty_18, whose son Raziel escaped his matriarchal prison last tuesday, and went on to destroy Tokyo before his very first bottle and nap. I look forward to corrupting him immensely, just as soon as he's old enough to understand "This is Shannon Richards' fault! RICHARRRDSSSSSS!!!"

Capcom has apparently made yet another excellent game that has gone largely unnoticed by the public. Zack and Wiki: the Quest for Barbaros' Treasure features a young pirate and his shape shifting monkey sidekick who seek treasure in a point and click adventure, using the Wii mote to solve puzzles. I picked it up yesterday, and look forward to playing it immensely. Capcom's other timeless "failure": Okami. Sold terribly, but as captain_ioga, myself, and anyone who managed to pry themselves away from the "popular" fare will tell you, anyone who skipped over it was a fucking idiot. Serves 'em right, I say. They don't deserve to play it. Now that it's coming to the Wii, it might fare better.

I haven't had much motivation to play DS games lately. I have at least 15 of 'em, and I feel no motivation to play ANY of them again. That's sad, really. However, I finally cracked open Phantom Hourglass, and was immediately hooked. The play mechanics are simple, yet fun, and they have thus far allowed me to give the D pad a much needed rest (The D pad on the DS Lite is just awful.) I keep calling it Wind Waker because it features sailing and the same graphical style as Wind Waker. The sailing, however, is infinitely more enjoyable; just draw your course on the map and the ship goes, all you have to do is tap things when necessary. Yes. It is insanely addictive, if not incredibly easy. No game has done this to me in a long time; even Mario Galaxy lost its hold on me after an hour or two. I only stop playing Phantom Hourglass when my forearms go numb (from leaning on them, not tapping.) Anyways.

Our first big speech is coming up in the next two weeks, so I suppose I have to finish a coupla models so I have something to present. It's an informative/demonstrative speech. I'm not sure how to format this thing, or indeed if I could finish an aeroplane model in time (which would cover the full range of things I would go over.) Perhaps... the Enterprise-E could stand to be finished, then one of the Starblazers kits... yeah. I want to show one from start to finish. Etc. I forgot where this was going.

I decided to take the long way home on friday and gets me a couple more kits.

AMT/Cardassian Galor Class Warship-AMT makes a huge range of Star Trek starships, and there are only a few that I don't have. This one is one of the few that I still wanted. Ebay sellers wanted $60 or more for it, Scale Models had one for $24. It was open, but complete. Nyah. The ship itself is a good size and is supposed to look roughly like a scorpion.

Italeri/F-4S Phantom: The F-4 is another one of those kits that just about every company on the planet makes. Not only that, but they make it in just about every conceivable variation. This one was cheap, and it had an appropriate number of missiles. It also has lovely Navy paint schemes.

I want to customize one of the SR-75s. I don't care that they "don't exist" and are supposed to be high speed reconnaisance things, I want one of them to have some sort of attack capability. Now, by their design it is clear that they would be next to useless in a dogfight situation, or any sort of low-speed attack scenario. They were built for speed and not maneuverability, therefore their weapons would be long range. Modifications would be thus:

1. An internal missile bay. The first difficult... thing. I would have to cut out a piece of the fuselage and actually MAKE a missile bay out of sheet plastic and other bits and bobs. Just making the walls of the thing and having no details would be a travesty.

2. Launch rack. What good is a missile bay with nothing to fire? Now, like I said, it has poor dogfighting capabilities, so these would either be AMRAAMs (Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missiles) or ASMs (Air to Surface Missiles). I want to make some sort of multi-missile rack that could hold some number of Meteors, which is a relatively new type of AMRAAM on the market. That way, it could target enemy aeroplanes from a distance and knock quite a few of them out of the air. The difficulty comes in fashioning a sort of multi-missile rack system.

3. Some sort of dorsally mounted weapon system. In place of the XR-7 on the Aurora's spacious back, I want to mount some kind of massive cannon system. I would think that some sort of rail cannon or laser system would work nicely. This would be the most difficult, as it would more or less have to be built from scratch. If I could find some sort of cannon to steal from a zoid, that might work with some gribblies attached. What is the point of this one? A long range, high powered cannon would simply look neat, and I would make it some capable of targeting satellites or squadrons of enemy fighters/bombers at long range.

Possible additions: CIWS Phalanx turrets; the thing is designed to out run any fighter that could harm it, but what if they have to slow down or can't go at full speed for some reason? Any fighter or missile that gets close would be shredded. Extra fins on the wing tips and/or enlarged canards would give it an extra bit of agility. Hard points and runners underneath the wings could carry ECM pods, extra long range missiles, laser guided bombs, or specialized reconnaissance equipment.

Our printer decided to pack it in entirely, dad thought he could fix it, of course he couldn't. So, now we have a new one. The Canon Pixma MX700 is a fairly recent model. It is the size of a small car and weighs approximately 3 tons. The control panel features a shiny, full colour LCD screen along with a large number of buttons with shiny symbols next to them. I pressed one, and before I knew it, I was in the Colosseum, with a roman spear hurtling towards my forehead. I pressed the button again, and I was back here. There was a small "ting!" and toast popped out of the paper tray. Yes, it travels through time and makes toast. When prompted to print, it makes many noises and beeps for a few minutes, then spits out the document at speeds that cannot possibly be real. I think it's plotting to eat me.

The VCR ate a tape early last week, then decided to give up the ghost entirely. Now we're having a hell of a time finding a VCR that can hook up to our ancient but still good TV. There's only one or two VCR things I've seen that have tuners, which we need to hook it up with coaxial cable, and those are fucking expensive. What a bunch of bullshit. And because of some stupid... thing with all the connections, I can't use any game system except the N64 or Gamecube... I have an RF switch for them, I doubt that the Wii could use it, and the PS2 certainly can't. FUCK. Yet another reason I need my own televiski set.

The seller of my still unaccounted for Bubble Yum fighter finally replied to me, said it was shipped early this month, and he'd give me a credit for his store. I'm not sure what to make of it... if the thing comes in the next coupla days, I'll tell him that's not necessary, if it doesn't come... I don't really want to order from a store that I've had problems with, even if it can be chalked up to the idiots with the postal services. Bah.

Freyja didn't seem to stick as a name, so I hereby revoke my previous statement. The bunny of Doom is now known as Shiva. (That's She-vah, not shiv-ah or any such nonsense. Look it up.) The nice thing is that Shiva is an ambiguous name... sort of. Shiva is a Hindu deity, part of the something or other with someone and Brahma. He is the bringer of destruction and the bringer of life; the incarnation that my bunny is has yet to be made clear. If Shippo gets her pregnant... oh, and Shiva was also the half naked frozen tart from various Final Fantasy games who dropped glaciers on people. So there.

If one more person calls her "Sheba", however... they will die in agony with a spike up their bottom.

babyhead, models

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