Thursday I didn't go into work, as my sleep schedule has basically been fucked in half by the fact that we had a break. So, I woke up at about 1 on thursday, and went to bed about 1am yesterday morning, and couldn't get to sleep until 5:30. Cor. I did go into work only for the fact that it was payday, and the last day before a weekend. Then I find out I didn't get paid. Before the break, someone from payroll had called and bitched that I was using the wrong time sheet (they only now notice after I've been there nine months?) and that I needed to use a different time sheet. Fair enough, I used the correct one. But of course, they lost it. Brilliant! Thankfully, my boss is on the case and called 'em up and it's already taken care of, though I have to wait a week or more possibly for a check. Bastards.
Attention to every news outlet in the entire state: Shut up about the Iowa caucuses. Nobody cares about the Iowa caucuses. More to the point, no one cares about Iowa. It's a predominantly cracker state with nothing of interest therein. I've been there. Cornfields, the horizon, and a single McDonald's are its only landmarks, and I don't think something can be a landmark if it covers 90% of the state (cornfields). Oh wait, it has a cave somewhere, too. Whoa. Stop me already.
To the idiots at Target: Yes, I know that the keyboards out for demo made noises that were pleasing to your primitive brains when you banged the keys with your malformed digits. But you were very close to be being wiped off the face of the planet. If those awful, synthesized noises are annoying for five minutes to me, imagine what they're doing to the poor saps who have to listen to them for 10 hours every fucking day as they work there. You're not talented, you're not being funny by randomly bashing on them, and you're worthless. Give it a fucking rest, you mouth-breathing, imbecilic apes.
I'm very much at a loss for what to call my bunbunbunbunbunnybunbun. He might be a she, and I CAN'T THINK OF AMBIGUOUS NAMES. Several ideas come to mind... Hobbes, Calvin, Brian, Loki, and Macbeth, though that would only work if I knew a lot of thespians. He seems like a Brian. Smokey was a Smokey, and George was a George. My baby has yet to make it clear what he/she really is. I was almost set on Hobbes, but Shippo seems more like a Hobbes.
Three more... when will it end? Probably when I have a stroke just looking at all of the buggers. And thinking of how much work they require. After about an hour on the Tigershark the other night, I found out that I had NOT sanded it as well as I had hoped and that painting with a brush pisses me off more so than it should. Also, despite the fact that it is delightfully shiny, I hate Tamiya paints.
Revell/Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-31 Foxhound: SUPER FOXBAT! WHOOOSHHHH!!! Seriously though, it's built off the Foxbat frame and it actually works as a fighter/high speed interceptor. At least in real life... in Ace Combat, the damn thing can easily outrun missiles fired from short range, as well as long range... and any other aeroplane in the game. Problem is, it steers like a bathtub with wings.
Hasegawa/Macross SV-51r Nora: It looks like Bubble Yum? It's very... pink. And yellow. That wasn't why I boughted it. It's very incredibly whooshy and would look better with a different colour scheme.
Academy/F-16A: It's Academy, so it's not that great, but it was five bucks. It also appears to be better quality (by far) than the poor excuse for an XB-70 they make.
amznmmdprncss and I were discussing
blue_kitty_18's possible moving in with her mother, which apparently might save her money (not really), but would cost her any last vestige of sanity. In addition to her mother being insane, she would have to take care of her step-father in addition to her two kids by herself, because he recently had some sort of knee surgery. So... one thing led to another...
LordAmanthudus: lazy bastard
LordAmanthudus: wheel your ass over to the fridge and get yourself a beer!
Amznmmdprncss: seriously!
LordAmanthudus: in my day, we'd 'ave both our legs amputated and replaced with 40 pound metal spikes by lunch time, and be back out in the field by half one!
Amznmmdprncss: but these wussies today
Amznmmdprncss: all, wrasslin'
LordAmanthudus: and we'd bally well work until long after the sun went down!
Amznmmdprncss: and water-drinkin'
LordAmanthudus: bunch of softies!
Amznmmdprncss: and, sleepin' inside every night
LordAmanthudus: we didn't have no bionic prostheses either!
LordAmanthudus: 40 pound iron spikes is what we had!
Amznmmdprncss: and we were thankful for it!
LordAmanthudus: and by jove they lasted longer!
LordAmanthudus: aye!
Amznmmdprncss: grateful I tells ye!
Amznmmdprncss: but these punks today
Amznmmdprncss: namby-pambies, I tells thee
LordAmanthudus: ooh no, I had me knee replaced, I need a robotic wheelchair to get me from 'ere to there!
LordAmanthudus: we 'ad the surgery with no anesthetic either!
LordAmanthudus: they gave you an oak table leg to bite on, and we were grateful to 'ave even that!
Amznmmdprncss: just good ol' fashioned jack!
Amznmmdprncss: aye, aye!
LordAmanthudus: Aye, and if ye were lucky, they gave you a bit of jack!
Amznmmdprncss: perhaps some turpentine to rub on yer gums
LordAmanthudus: you had turpentine?
Amznmmdprncss: me fam'ly were well-to-do
LordAmanthudus: you were lucky!
Amznmmdprncss: but I still had to use bark for loo paper
Amznmmdprncss: all those splinters!
LordAmanthudus: aye, we had to rely on the odd bit of bark or small woodland mammal
Amznmmdprncss: och, aye those weasels and squirrels were a wily lot
LordAmanthudus: the weasels were the worst
LordAmanthudus: at least the squirrels like nuts
Amznmmdprncss: I fancied the raccoons
LordAmanthudus: aye, their tails were the only thing that'd get ye clean
LordAmanthudus: I tried beaver once
LordAmanthudus: but 'ow d'you think I ended up with both me legs amputated?
LordAmanthudus: thought I was a bally oak, 'e did
Amznmmdprncss: those teeth, eh?
LordAmanthudus: Aye
Thanks, Nova... I love hearing a monk moaning like a fucking zombie in a cavernous temple late at night. It was bad enough once, but no, they had to make it practically a bloody second soundtrack to their special on the plague... I don't need any more bloody dreams about bloody zombies!
Actually, I saw this thing with the zombie soundtrack thursday night, and for what little I slept yesterday morning my dreams involved no zombies. I did dream about being in the car driving to some mysterious place, while small tornadoes touched down here and there, only a few hundred meters from the car. Wednesday night (or should I say afternoon) I was back in kindergarten, only at my current age, and my "classmates" were the first graders from last year at my works. I was supposed to choose a nickname to put on a name card, so I chose Acorn. "Nevair! Acorn was mah onlee son's nickname!!!" After this, Acy and I were in her room at 4 in the morning listening to Sonata Arctica very loudly with her doors open. It woke her parents, but they didn't seem to mind. After that, I was heading out to leave, and Hunter was doing what he does best; attempting to climb me and gnaw my face off lick me to death.
The last zombie dream I had... I was in my house with random assorted people, and of course the bitey fuckers knew where we were. BUT, a thick metal wall could drop down from the bit of the roof that hangs over, and a concrete barrier at least a foot thick came out from the ground at about the same distance from the house. There was a space between that and the house, and for some reason I knew that there was an escape tunnel accessible in this space. This dream didn't really go anywhere, I just couldn't get someone to stop shrieking "what if they break through the barriers ohnoes asdfdal;kj*splode*". Zombies are determined when they know there's tasty humans just on the other side of any barrier, but nothing short of thousands could break such a wall.
Wednesday, I had a blast despite getting no sleep the night before.
Captain_ioga came over for the first time since July, and we spent most of the day plugging Mario Galaxy. Consequently, I learned that while wearing the Bee costume, I should be singing "I'm a fuckin' bee... I'm a fuckin' bee!" It's a long story. At one point we also played a bit of Metroid Prime Corruption, which is VERY much a blast despite the somewhat overwhelming controls. My arm started to complain after a short time, and the pointer was randomly spazzing out for no reason whatsoever, so we went back to Galaxy. I only wish we had done a home run contest in the old Smash Bros; those are always insanely fun with him to play as well.
I did not know that Tarja of Nightwish released solo albums... I'd almost want to completely avoid these after her snitty departure from Nightwish, but they signed on a pop sounding singer, therefore souring me on their future musics. Tarja might be a diva, but she has a fucking incredible voice. It's too bad that there aren't more operatically trained singers in metal bands nowadays. It's all... Hannah Montana... and Hilary Duff... and Jamie Lynn Spears (whore). Wretched, vile harpies, all of them!