Aug 13, 2008 12:48
There comes a time when your eyes start to open after being closed for so long and you think, "What am I doing here? What happened to the past few months of my life? Who and why is there someone next to me right now What happened to the people I love?"
Then you check up on everyone and realise how much of an idiot you have been and lost some of the closest people you have ever loved, all for a crazy little ... I have missed so much in people's lives and lost myself as well as held those that I truely love at an arm's distance, if not further.
My eyes are open now and I'm ready to accept the concequences of everything that this crazy person has done but I must hope that those that are further then arm's length will be able to understand. I don't know what I was thinking but all I know is that this has to be over and I have to get my life and my dreams back in check, and most importantly, my friends.