Thoughts upon finishing Season 8 of the Buffy comic:

Mar 16, 2023 23:21

Giles dying and leaving everything to FAITH in the comics triggered me like whoa. All he gave Buffy was the Vampyr book like "oh hey, you're a slayer, that's all you get." He was Buffy's damn father figure. He had a huge house in the English countryside with horses and all that money he got from being Buffy's damn Watcher and he gives her... a fking book when he dles. Sure, Faith needed money and a home more than Buffy, but you can split estates in half. Aaaand oh my god, trying not to read into what happened in my own family, but DAMN, GILES. DAAAAAAAMN.

Also, by the end of Season 8 Buffy is both blamed for making a whole bunch of slayers (in the end of season 7 finale) and also blamed for ending magic in the world so that they have no real purpose anymore. Girl damned if she does, damned if she doesn't, then getting shafted in Giles' will and people need to get off her a22. I'm a little annoyed over here.
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