A metaphor (on the Ides of March)

Mar 15, 2023 15:58

Ceasar was not perfect, obviously. Neither was I. The senate was pissed off without really communicating that with him for a while. They stabbified him in the back well and good.

Then, five years later, Brutus sees Ceasar at a party and says, "Sorry about that whole stabbifying thing, it was just such a perfect storm of a lot of shit going on at once. You probably shouldn't have raised taxes though (or whatever Ceasar did, check the history).

Ceasar smiles at Brutus and they agree that maybe they should have better communication in the future.

Inside, Ceasar is dying but doesn't say anything because he knows there's no point in it. Blood has already been spilt, celebrations at his death.

Brutus walks away with a clean concious, feeling like he did "the right thing" by apologizing for being one drop of the Chinese water t0rture. Yay Brutus, you're such a good guy, apologizing and everything...

I wish I had a soothsayer to have given me a warning too.
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