Originally published at
VampAmber's Clutter. Please leave any
comments there.
First off, the bad revelation. I’m starting to notice a very frightening trend in my depression. At my very worst, the theme at least somewhat stays the same. Lack of reality. Mostly, my own. Now I get the fun-fun-funness of describing this to my therapist next Monday. I mean, I’m pretty sure it’s normal for people, even people with depression, to feel nonexistent and not real so very often. I’m thinking it must be stemming from something else. Hopefully, when I finally get to see my damn psychiatrist, she can figure out something to put me on so that I stay real. Cuz seriously, my bits of unreality scare the living shit out of me. It can’t be good.
As for my good idea, I’ve decided that as soon as I have a steady income again, I’m going to start hosting contests/give-aways in my blog. I’ve always wanted to, but this time I actually plan on following through. I’ll start small, little trinkets, maybe a book or two. I’ll work my way up to more awesome prizes, as soon as the demand gets higher. It’ll be great, and it’ll make me happy, as well. Thus, good idea all around. ^_^