Stars of Harad - Cassia & Siobhan
When Aragorn falls in love with Arwen, he feels he has lost his home. To escape the hurt he goes off with the rangers. When he loses his memory instead, Legolas is his only hope. But if Legolas needs saving… and his best friend doesn’t remember him…
That’s the longest of the Mellon Chronicles so far and a real epic with some exoticism added to the mix. I like all the family interaction between Aragorn, the twins and Elrond and how it is later added in Harad with Cabed and his family. It’s very believable how everyone reacts and truly heartwarming how they pull together as a family in the end. Also, the story has one of my favourite moments in all LOTR fanfiction ever in it, the homecoming scene that makes up chapter 20. It’s so quiet and solemn and yet contains so feelings on so many levels. Truly beautiful!
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