Priceless Treasure - Cassia & Siobhan
A generation apart, two adventures become one. While wintering in Mirkwood, Aragorn is taken captive by a bounty hunter with a mysterious objective, leaving Legolas, Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir in a desperate struggle to save the young human before it is too late. 80 years later, Aragorn is King of Gondor, but the shadows of the past do not lie quietly and he, Legolas and Gimli find themselves in their own frightening quest to save Aragorn's young son Eldarion from someone who wants to see the King dead. Past, present and future converge in a swirling blizzard of events when Legolas makes the ultimate sacrifice for his best friend and a father's worst nightmare comes true... twice.
Well, when I first read that one, I thought I wouldn't like the abrupt change of 80 years into the future: Aragorn being king, much older, having a son and so on. But despite these fears I liked the story from the first chapter on. So much, that it's my favourite fic out of the "Mellon Chronicles" with
Stars of Harad running a (very) close second. The two storylines - Aragorn gets kidnapped and Legolas follows him over the Misty Mountains AND Eldarion gets kidnapped while away with his father to rebuild Isengard (Orthanc is still creepy, by the way) - are very elaborately intertwined. It all makes *so much* sense! And Aragorn really gets it bad this time:) *sigh* Truly one of the best fics I've ever read!