It’s high time I finished one of these:) I hope you enjoy this story and remember: feedback is always appreciated! In case you’ve already forgotten about this series, you can read all stories in chronological order
Title: With Art
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Beta: Nancy
Summary: It’s the night of Sarah’s vernissage and Orlando is hoping to get some alone-time with Viggo.
Series: Fifth story in the “With”-Verse. Follows
"With Teeth",
“With Roses”,
“With Kisses” and
“With Gifts”.
Pairing: Viggo/Orlando
Genre: slash
Warnings: AU, vamp!fic
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Do you really have to ask? No, this is not true and vampires exist only in my imagination (feel free to prove me wrong, though).
Author’s Note: We learn a little more about Viggo, but apart from that - enjoy the fluff! And don’t worry - more stories set in this universe are in the works. It tends to take me a while, please be patient!
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Originally published at
Unspoken. Please leave any
comments there.