quick update

Dec 04, 2006 16:17

yeah i've been off for a while :P technocurch 2 was AWESOME. ended up somehow working with the massage therapist giving random people massages, and i even got requested and paid for it near the end of the morning... weird, but cool. i've also never seen so many little kiddies throwing up in one night. i've decided to go to citrus hypnosis in january to see shea and janet (shannon? dammit i can never remember which name it is, heh) spinning.

still no job... had an interview, but it didn't pan out. still no ei yet either, the government bastards.

what i thought was bronchitis was in fact mild pneumonia, which is now (after 3 weeks) finally going away.

i'm going to start birth control again after 13 years... after a special consultation with a (really cute and nice!) gyno in orleans, we've decided to try Nuvaring. i'm to keep track of any headaches i may experience, and if i get a migraine, i'm to stop using bc immediately and come back for another consult... it may be that i'm doomed to condoms indefinately :(

my photo did not sell at the Gallery 101 auction on saturday :( wah!

ken continues to be the light and love of my life, and is paying for my next semester of Japanese for a christmas gift. he told me he can see himself spending his life with me. *floats off on dreamy bubbles of girlishness*

that is all.
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