First Year Almost Done

Apr 08, 2009 14:28

  W00t! My first year of college is almost done! My last day of classes is tomorrow! I'm excited & bummed out at the same time. I'm excited cause there will be no homeork for 4 months! Then i'm bummed out because I have to get a job. XP I'm still having difficulty finding one at the moment, but i'll get one eventually.

Last night I studied till one in the morning for my math exam today. I would've stayed up longer, but I was to the point where I wasn't remembering what I just read or what question I just solved. No point in staying up any longer. But I got to study with my psych friend & her friends. OMG they are too much fun. Especially one of her guy friends. Everytime he opened his mouth I was laughing. I had to leave the study are just so I could laugh some more in the bathroom. XD This is what I have to look forward to when I get into my third year of psychology. haha.

So because finals start (for me) next week, i'm not sure when i'll be on for a good week or two. I say two weeks because I'll be needing to catch up on some sleep. ;) Here is my final exam schedule:

14th: Math Rewrite (Because I had less than five absences I get to rewrite an exam from the semester that I sucked balls at)

15th: Math Final Exam (This is the one i'm most looking forward to getting out of the way. DIE MATH!!!)

17th: Art History & Psychology Final exam

Then i'll officially be done my first year. Holy crap did it go by fast! I had so much fun too! This only means that next year will be even better. :)

P.S. Justin was able to come done last weekend. I was so nice to see him again. We had a typical dinner & a movie date. I had alot of fun. I love you Justin.

last, finals, day, college, psychology

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