Excellent nMC rehearsal today. As it was the post-filkcon rehearsal, it was a very relaxed affair, as we sang songs we hadn't sung for a while. And as none of us could remember what we had decided next year's theme would be, we adopted a new theme: songs that J, our newest member who has only been with us for three filk cons, hasn't sung yet.
The rehearsal was also a (slightly) alcoholic affair. Quarter tone was the 18th consecutive annual UK filkcon at which the nMC had had a set, and it was the first filkcon at which we won a SAM, for the Best At Con performance, for our version of "John", Zander's filk of Heather Dale's lovely song about the Maid of Orleans, "Joan". So of course we opened a bottle of pink fizz to celebrate. :)
And it didn't snow.
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