Now that I've retired, the time has come to start decluttering and tidying the house, so that when the time comes, we can sell it and move on. This is a major exercise, as we have lived in this house for over 16 years, and I have accumulated a lot of rubbish in that time. So I have made a very small start on the dump that is my study. Outside on the landing are piles of old professional journals I definitely will not be needing in future. D can't see any change in the mess yet, but I have glimpsed a few patches of that fabled mystery object known as carpet.
So far I have liberated a large shopping bag which contained various papers, mainly bills and credit card statements, belonging to my late cousin for whom I acted as executor 14 years ago. Anything with her name, address and/or date of birth has gone through the shredder, which was much of it, and the poor little machine has got quite warm as a result. I know I'm being ultra cautious, as she's no longer with us and her house was sold many years ago, but I don't want to alert any potential identity thief to the possibility of anything personal in our waste paper recycling.
I've still got to attack the many piles of my own papers...
This will take sometime.
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