Termination Letter

Apr 13, 2018 10:32

It was only until this morning did I realize this fate was set in stone since the last evaluation. I took the time to read it and it States that with two below performance evulation, the termination was mandatory. Frank made it seem like i still had a chance, I suppose he was hopeful still and wanted to extend my probation. I'm just curious why they didn't just tell me upfront and I would of resigned lol because I thought about that months ago.

Yesterday 04/12/2018, Thursday at 4pm, Emy called me to go to her office. Then I see Frank walk into her office before I did. Then I saw the emulation paperwork on her desk and I knew. Danhua was right, they're doing it before the next pay period ends on the 18th; so my one year anniversary on April 20 didn't decide that.
Besides, they've emptied my caseload for months now.

They're faces....Like the adjective mommy said..遗憾...Translates to unfortunately lol

This was the most peaceful, professional, amicable, and nonhostile termination experience.

I thanked them for the opportunity and apologized for letting them down, disappointing them.

Emy didnt want me to feel bad. But explained that its tough on both parties because she knows I care about the job and it's not about the money. So to see someone go that cares is saddening. She reiterated that she wanted me to know that this decision by no means reflects my abilities because not all jobs are meant for everyone, it just means this position wasn't suitable for me.

Frank said I can put both of them down as references. I was surprised and thanked them.

Emy gave me 15-20minutes to think about it and decide.

When I went back to let her know my decision to take the termination letter, Emy said she wants me to email her when I find that perfect job that was meant for me. I was surprised when she gave me a great big hug, it felt affectionate and not out of pitty or sympathy.

I stayed about 45minutes after my shift just organizing and cleaning up my cubicle. I had a ton of snacks lol and things I threw away. It's surprising how much stuff gets accumulated in just a year...
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