Update on my life lately

Apr 20, 2006 00:33

Ugh. It just occured to me that this week isn't going to be hell... well, okay, it is, but next week is going to be even worse.

April 20: Important NUT 10 midterm, UWP paper #1 due, new music in Chamber
April 21: Marching practice (roadie practice!), float building until late
April 22: Picnic Day... i.e. getting up at the freaking crack of dawn and spending all day (as in, 4 am-midnight) marching and playing my flute and walking around Davis and carrying ladders
April 23: Caroline's recital
April 24: GEL homework due, GEL paper draft due (or something), ECS lab 4 due
April 25: Junior composition project due, UWP journal due

I don't know when my ECS paper is due, or when my ECS homework 3 is due, or when my GEL paper is due, or my next five papers in UWP... oh, and the midterms in ECS and GEL and the second midterm in NUT...

Ughh. If I live through this middle of April, I will be able to survive anything, even going overseas. Oh, and Elizabeth, if you're reading this (which I know you sometimes do), I STILL DON'T KNOW WHERE I GOT IN!!!!!!! I want them to just TELL me if it's going to be Dublin so at least I can start applying for housing and stuff!

BTW everyone (Davis people, anyway), keep the weekend of June 10-11 open. That's when my and Andy's huge Star Wars birthday bash is going to be. Yes, both of those days... an overnight party. (Non Davis people are welcome to come, but I will have a small home party for those of you who are close to me.)

I also hate that I'm so fat. I don't want to hear any of this "you're not fat" business. The capris I bought last September (which were already two sizes bigger than I normally wore) no longer fit me anymore. I've gained another dress size in six months. I weigh at least 100 pounds more than most of my friends (yes, I mean the guys). This cannot go on. The more I try and stop eating the bad food, the more I want to. I need a different approach. My new approach is going to be eating a lot more fiber. My NUT teacher seems to think that eating a lot of fiber can help you be trimmer around the middle, which I could really use right about now. The fact that I weigh more than my parents is incredibly depressing. I might as well be diabetic, for all the problems sugar is causing me.

And just so this entry isn't COMPLETELY depressing... Sami's birthday was yesterday and I gave her a pair of purple shiny dress-up shoes and a big rainbow bow for her "hat". She seemed to like them, so yay. And she looked at a picture of the two of us and said "Ahgie pitur" which means "Margie in the picture" and it was SO adorable. She says my name all the time now, and it's SO cute.

But on a sadder note... any of you Davis-ites out there want a baby-sitting job for the end of this summer throughout the school year? Sami needs a new friend when I go off to Ireland. The thought just breaks my heart. I'll do more investigation with this later on, but I figure I should start looking soon. *siigh*

Forget it, this is just a depressing entry all around.

Karaoke with choir people last night for the first time in over a year, I think. The last time I remember going was Claire's 21st birthday, and that was last January. I sang "That Don't Impress me Much" by Shania Twain, which was way too low but whatever. It was fun, but I miss Dave. I miss old choir and Chamber Dawgs. I miss being a size 12. I miss being involved with band-uh. And I can't stop thinking about how my time with Sami is running out, and that's just devastating.

Picnic Day on Saturday. All day. Please, please, please come and watch the band-uh at some point. We do the parade route twice in the morning and then the battle of the bands ALL afternoon/evening (as in, 2 pm-midnight or later). Please come and see me play. I'm leaving Davis in August and this is one of the last times I get to perform with band in a popular setting.

I guess I'm done. Sorry this entry was kind of pointless.

classes, stress, schedule, random, picnic day, band-uh, depression, work

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