On pop tarts and MNR

Oct 24, 2005 17:54

Contemplating not going to MNR tonight. I don't want to fall into the never-goes-to-band habit that happened last year, but... I'm also covered in itchy red spots, and would rather just sleep. They're all over my face now too. My doctor thinks I'm allergic to clindamycin... surprise. Damn antibiotics. But I am definitely going to pajamarino, really excited about that (especially since I have the outfit this year!). And also the Halloween gig on Monday. w00t! But I think it'd be okay for me to take another rehearsal off... I mean, my attendence is gonna suck until it restarts in November ANYWAY (hope I can go to Washington, I love away dinner) and I really don't feel that great. Damn allergic reaction! I mean, I didn't go last week either... but I also had strep throat (or something) last week. (Apparently when they took a swab, it was negative for strep. Then again, I'd already started taking the antibiotics, so they think it could have been DEAD strep they tested. Whatever. I'm better now.)

Oh, and pop tarts were on sale today. I now have six flavors. (Blueberry, strawberry, wildberry, smoore, caramel/chocolate, and cookies and cream.)

I have been to the doctor 4 or 5 times in a month. That's bad.

itchy, pop tarts, band-uh

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