Sep 04, 2005 15:15
Uh... I feel like I should update. But I'm tired, so here's some bullet points:
~Yeah, okay, hurricanes suck. Sorry, New Orleans. But you know, you could have lived on the west coast, where we have perpetually perfect weather... *cough*
~Saw Wicked yesterday with Andrew and Steven (and Jess, though I did not know she was there at first) and it was absolutely amazing. And I maintain that I want to be Glinda in a production of it. (Also the Narrator in Joseph, of course.)
~Happy 15th birthday Julia today
~A year ago tomorrow I met Steven in person
~Speaking of which, we've been dating for nearly 10 months now
~Went to go play with my cousin Branson today. She just had her first birthday and likes to give kisses, especially after you give her watermelon! SO cute.
~Happy 21st birthday Will last Wednesday, by the way... I hated that I had to work so I couldn't hang out with everyone, but I hope you had fun (and I'll be in Davis on Wednesday again I think so we can hang out at some point)!
~I can't sleep on my bed at home. I just toss and turn all night. Last night I slept from about 6-11 (hah, that's my birthday), and even then I kept waking up.
~I'm wearing the Margie Pants for the first time today.
~I absolutely loved being punderful yesterday at Max's with VMs 1 and 4. Oh, and Julia. Weird mix to hang out with, but definitely fun. Hahaa Mr. Pickle Friend! "Mar-ga-rine!"
value meals,
birthday shoutouts,