An important lesson on the strawman argument! You probably want to skip this if you don't enjoy wankery.
If you post "I'm annoyed about how Steve/Tony prompts are taking over the kink meme" and someone responds with "so you're annoyed about all the Steve/Tony," that is not a strawman argument. No, not even if you secretly aren't annoyed about the size of the Steve/Tony fandom! Engaging directly with the words that you say is not a strawman argument because logical fallacies do not allow for telepathically knowing what you really think.
If you're not annoyed at Steve/Tony all over the place, don't say you're annoyed at Steve/Tony all over the place, and this way we can avoid confusion.
And don't then say "I suppose you think X is okay," when I specifically said "X is out of line." That is a strawman argument. Study it, understand it.
(Linking to threads that specifically say "I don't mind if newbies start kink memes" to prove that people get angry if newbies start kink memes also makes you look pretty stupid, FYI.)
And the reason I'm wankily posting this in my journal is because
ani_bester cannot handle people telling her she is wrong, and deletes comments and freezes threads so she can pretend to be in the right.
ani_bester; before, I didn't call you a liar. I said you were remembering wrong. Now, evidence has been presented to you, and you're refusing to acknowledge it and are carrying on maintaining things that are demonstrably not true. Now you are a liar. Well done.
It's also worth noting that this person, between lying about other fans and wanting those 'entitled' fans to change their behaviour for her convenience, is also wistfully complaining about how the fandom used to be so nice. Dizzingly lack of self-awareness there, chap.
ani_bester Tweeted
hereThe co-Mod of Cap_ironman just told me I’d never contribute to the fandom. O RLY? (EDIT: she's apparently chosen to delete her entire Twitter, so... screenshot
No rly. That's an outright lie. I didn't say anything that could be construed as that, so she's just... making it up out of whole cloth. You should be ashamed of yourself,
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