Oct 04, 2007 12:21
While I still am not convinced of the need for someone majoring in a computer related field to be versed in developing nations and cultural diversity I believe I have come to the real crime of this system. Sure it seems as though it is just there to generate more income for colleges, though likely the requirements are at least state, if not federal. However, the true crime in all this is that for both of these sociology classes I have had to take is the book. These are not good books, they are not even passable books, they are a form of torture. It doesn't help that since the class is only 6 weeks reading at least 3 chapters is normal... 3 chapters of hell. I love to read, and I will read many genres including nonfiction. However, these books make me want to gouge out my eyes and foreswear reading ever again. They are dull, long winded, and to be honest the authors are quite sure of themselves. I also believe that despite the fact they are supposedly factually based that the authors use them to pass off some of their own opinions, which are as dull and torturous as the rest, off as facts.
On the plus side I get to see how far I can subtly mock at least one of the other students on the discussion board. Normally I would refrain from this, even when dealing with people that say, or write, fairly inane things. However, this woman/girl is, apparently, a racist that will not admit it. In one post she said two things that cement her position as a prejudiced idiot in my mind:
1. She did not think there should be any preference to any sort of person for immigration because, and I quote, "it doesn't matter because they never give anything back." She is also against all forms of immigration, including legal immigrants.
2. In the same post she mentioned that one of the things we had to consider was interracial marriage which is "never good but reality."
I was not surprised when she asked the class if they got upset when people spoke a different language in public, because she does. I was a bit surprised at how many of the other class members said that it bothered them too. The way I see it when you see people speaking in a foreign language they are generally going to be family or close friends, and unless you are either so paranoid you think they are talking about you, or you just like to eavesdrop then it should not matter to you. Why do I care if the occasional family that I see that is of foreign decent wants to speak to each other in their native tongue? If they were speaking to me then I feel assured they would try to use English if they were able to do so.
On another note, 27 days, 11 hours, and 20 minutes until NaNoWriMo begins. I have not done so well in the last couple of years, which is upsetting since the first year I easily got to 50k words. This year I hope that I will do better at it, and I should be out of my classes by then so I should have the time to do so easily. Actually 1,667 words a day is the work of an hour or so at most, as long as you have an idea what to write so it really should not be that much of a problem... unless the dreaded block sets in.