"Coming to an Understanding"

Jan 08, 2004 00:21

Title: Coming to an Understanding
Author: Valour
Disclaimer: I do not know these people. I do not claim to have any idea as to their actual feelings for each other. I only know what the news tells me. :) In other words: FICTION. Don't sue, as you would win nothing but my debt.
Fandom: Popslash
Pairing: Justin/Britney (no, I don't know where that come from either.)
Feedback: Yes, please.
Archive: Just ask.
Author's Notes: This has not been betaed, however I did go over it more than once so hopefully I caught everything. Again, it's not what you wanted K, but at least I'm not doing more JC/Lance teasing. ;)

On tour by himself and he's alone on the bus. He thinks now that he really understands all of those things Britney had tried to articulate. He understands things about her now that had been quite beyond him before. He thinks he might just finally understand her. Two years too late.

It's not that he's bitter- well he was bitter but that was a year ago. Thankfully he's moved past bitterness. (According to Chris, Justin has moved right along into his angry adolescence. But it's Chris so Justin takes the comment with a grain of salt.) Justin is fairly sure that singing his broken heart out on stage for the last two years has worn down the bitterness. Dissolved it into something bittersweet instead.

He’s not even close to thirty but he can see how young he was, when he was with her. How young they both were. He can’t forget-some things will always be burned in his mind-but he is on the road to forgiveness. At least he hopes he is.

Alone on his bus and Justin thinks he finally understands how isolated she was; how lonely.

He imagines she felt as alone as he now does.
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