
Jan 07, 2004 01:32

Wrote a drabble, with the lovely k_leale.

Title: Alone
Authors: Leale & Valour
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Faramir/Boromir (implied)
Summary: Faramir never wanted to be alone.
Disclaimer: SO not ours. Faramir, Boromir, and their father belong to J.R.R. Tolkien.
Feedback: Like coffee, gets us up in the morning.
Comments: WARNING! Incestual relations implied. Another hundred words, co-written by valour and k_leale. Yes, it took both of us to come up with 100 words.

Faramir doesn't want to be alone. An easily granted wish, one might assume, but to Faramir, being alone was the truth of his life. Without a brother to depend upon, Faramir had no loved ones in the white city. No one with whom he could seek reprieve. Faramir had only his father's disappointed voice for company, ringing in his head.

"Yes. I wish it were so."

A badge of shame, branded upon his heart. Inadequacy, voiced for all to hear. Alone is the best he can do without Boromir. Alone is the best he can hope for without his love.
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