Yeah I know, long time to talk but it's another rant.

Mar 28, 2010 19:35

I am not giving out specific names in this but I just needed to vent about how I feel about someone so I am putting it here.

I resent you, every part of you and every part of our friendship if that is what you wanted to ever call this bloody fecking mess. You call me your best friend but you would rather spend time away from me. How the hell are we supposed to be friends when you want nothing to do with me? I wish I never met you, you turned my life upside down for what seemed like the better but I am not seeing it as my own pit of sorrow and hell that you stand over the edge of it and spit down onto me. All I ever wanted was for you to love me as I have loved you and have respect for me that I have only ever demonstrated towards you. I hate you but I love you. I want you in my life but I want you to rot away for making me feel this way. How dare you come into my life and make me feel happiness I havent ever felt before then steal it away without any warning and tell me to deal with it? Have you no heart?! How can you tell me I am wonderful, that I have been good to you, that I am perfect, that I am a beautiful person then turn around and stab me in the back? WHY! I want you in my life completely or out of it completely! I cant take this anymore and if you say you want me in your life as your best friend, then bloody fecking act like it and stop pushing me around like some toy who has no feelings. You are breaking my heart and I wish yours was being broken in the same manner so you know how it feels! I HATE YOU!!!!
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