Life in general - skip if you don't want to read about it.

Oct 26, 2014 19:23

Well, this past month has been... interesting to say the least . Actually the whole year but I'll just stick to this month.  To start off, after over 15 years at where I work, I'm going to have to find a new job.  It seems that the parent company of where I work want's to consolidate most of it's workers in one area, which is not where I live and there is no offer of relocation (which  wouldn't take anyway) so me and around 80 other people are out of a job. We're at least staggared, my end date is the first friday in December (merry christmas).
So instead of moaning and groaning about it, I've been thinking of going back to school, maybe take some online classes. Believe it or not (for those who actually know me) I'm thinking of doing Computer Animation. 15 years of dealing with logos have got to count for something, as well as playing with DAZ Studio.We'll see what come of it.

Well, short term of this is that my husband and I decided to get out and just have some fun and not think about layoffs. We decided to go to a play. This play was very interesting. It's called "The Doctor, the Devil, and my Dad".   Yes, it's THAT Doctor.  I put the link because I suck at summaries.
The play was very good and I don't want to say much but if anyone asks about in in the comments, I'll try and describe it as best I can and give my impression about it, but only if asked.  The link might tell you enough.

What also made the day fun as well was the fact that when we showed up in the area, there was a Holloween party going on.
So we had a Parade to go with our Play.

So who knows, after all of this, Maybe I'll post more. Maybe I'll start reviewing more. Maybe I'll whine more, don't know while I figure out what to do next, but the schooling is Really looking good right now.  We'll see.

Chat at ya'll later, maybe.

ramble, doctor who

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