School update and other general things

Feb 15, 2016 15:26

Well, still passing my classes, though it thought it was going to be a near thing for my CDC class (Character Design and Creation, not the place here in Atlanta). So far, what I've gotten from that class is that I need to study more on model building. I'm thinking that creations of models from scratch will never be my strong point, but I can adapt with the best of them. So I need to practice more with my modeler programs, and this month is geometry. I forgot how much proving things puts me to sleep. Let me do a straight problem but please don't ask me why it works that way. I get my theorems mixed up every time. And the terms...please. I know how it works, just don't ask me what it's called. So chances are that this class will also be a B which for me seems dismal compared to the A's and A+'s I've been getting. Well, I was warned that 2nd year would need more than 1st year.

So to help me with my modeling and things I want to try something. I'm going to try and make an intergalatic bar scene. I'm going to do this a step at a time. I'm going to start with the room first, I'm already trying to think up labels and shapes for the liquor bottles that will be behind the bar on the wall. I'm going to do this an idea at a time. So if anyone is reading this post, if you happen to either have or know where to find online images of made up Sci-fi liquor bottle labels, I would be forever grateful. Like for starters, I've come across an awesome label for HyperVodka (and if you know what I'm talking about, you probably have already seen the label online somewhere). Now I'm just looking for others like Romulan Ale, Sauran Brandy, Ambrosia, anything that has ever been mentioned in Sci-fi shows and books that a label can be created for that should be in a bar. If it's a mixed drink, I'm not sure I could do a bottle and I don't think I would want to line up the bar with different glasses without people drinking them. So anyway, start with the bar with the bottles on the wall, then add more things such as people and furniture, what ever else could be in a bar out in space, on the rim, something like that. And, Lord help me, I'll try and post pictures as I build this model.
I've got to do something to keep my imagination going for this degree, it's so much easier to do nothing and just read than to do things that will keep me inspired. Some of these classes that deal with traditional art has put a little damper on some of my ideas because I know I'm dismal at drawing traditionally. It will help that I finally got a decent office chair for my desk so my back won't hurt as much now if I need to be working over 8hrs on something. But until recently, that was also holding me back some. And, of course, the ever present distraction that is the internet its self. Too much DT, too much story finding, too much shinnies and ThinkGeek and... Regeneration 10th Doctor Pop Vinyl! YES!!!
Sorry, got distracted again. But seriously, 10th doctor still in 9th black leather jacket, that's the one I want to get if I can only have one. Not the brown with 3d glasses, not the blue suit with too much hair gel. I wouldn't mind the one for the 12th doctor, but I'd probably stick with the keychain for him. And.. still out on whether or not to find one for the 11th. If I do, I'd like the purple outfit he ended up in.
Ok, really got distracted there. Everything is still going well, otherwise. Guess that's it for now. I'll update again either sometime after this month or when something interesting happens, which ever comes up first.
Peace, out.

school, daily life

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