too long between posts

Jun 06, 2009 11:08

Since my last post, I have had a big 60th birthday complete with surprise dinner with 30 of my closet friends.  This weekend is my baby's 36th birthday and we are spending a half a week at a lovely place on the very tip end of Shull Island at Lake Murray.  I got him a Wii and I got me a baby netbook.  Ike & Andrea, Stevi & Kyle, KelliJo, Sharon and I are here now and tomorrow, Russ is coming up for our shish kebob cook-out.  He is in Charlotte for the Carolinas Boxing Hall of Fame banquet..  Joanie & Jimmy are right down the road and are taking us out on their pontoon tomorrow, weather permitting.  It has been stormy off and on with periods of sunshine but we are hopeful that tomorrow will be sunny and 80.

Have a great weekend, friends!
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