Aug 01, 2005 10:18
No controversial new stuff for my LJ. I'll give Dan and Red a rest for now ;)
I'm currently ....aquiring Paint Shop Pro 9. Yep, I know that I have yet to master AdobePhotoshop CS but toooooooo bad.
I got a duck.
Not a real duck of course, it's the AXE horned rubber ducky. WOOHOO. He's adorable, too bad there aren't other cool rubber duckies.
I got Vol 1 of Elfin Lied, very spiff if I do say so myself.
And a horse and TWO cameras. As I said on IT please shoot me now.
I asked Kat if she could leave me her 54" Toshiba flatscreen TV when she goes, just to help with the pain. She laughed and said no :/ Damn.
Crap, my whole month was off, I thought that Saturday was the 28th... my school payment is going to be late...oooooops.
Hmmmmmmmmm I'm drawing a blank...isn't that funny how we can draw nothing? Yep, deep thoughts this morning. Not
I'm off to see the day.