May 23, 2011 20:47
The first book from the Gortek and Felix series, from the Warhammer Fantasy setting is the Trollslayer. By going all the time to the book store I actually checked this series out long ago, and now decided to buy at last one book a month, to read all -slayer stories from this series.
The Trollslayer is a collection of short adventures of Gortek, the troll slayer, who seeks a glorious death in battle to atone for his unknown sins. His only companion is Felix, the human, who is drawn to Gortek by the Dwarven blood-oath to record his heroic battles and glorious death.
In the first two stories I was just awed how high above humanity Gortek is. And I don't mean just with the power in his arms, all his senses. He has a much higher level of knowledge, will and honor. No matter how Felix described him on the outside, or what he thought from his 'anger-attacks, I liked the dwarf more and more.
And then I got really annoyed from the 3rd story on. As Felix begins to write about himself, and lets the tales from Gortek's battles more and more behind. By the last story it was his adventure only. I almost got sick from this much egotism. And now I really don't care how he is more and more afraid as they get involved with the follower of Chaos. It should be a question of honor! Not to say, how high Gortek thinks of him, and he doesn't even care. If this guy would be real, I would totally kick his ass.
Now after getting home, I decided to get a shirt with Gortek on, but sadly couldn't find any cool picture of him. T_T F-list, if you could point me in the right direction, I would really be grateful!