Naomitsu (Oguri Shun) lives the carefree life of the 2nd son at the Hatakeyama family. Since he knows, that his older brother will bear the burden of the family, he only needs to think of his arranged marriage with Ako-hime, who loves him honestly. Still though the easy life, Nakomitsu does hold a pure heart, and so as he sees another child their age steeling food, he decides to make him their new friend, and names him Sakuramaru.
Years later there are big changes. Naomitsu can't believe why his own brother, Nobutsuna (Ikeuchi Hiroyuki) would betray him, and rape Ako-hime (Shibamoto Yuki), and doesn't even suspect Sakuramaru (Tanaka Kei), who plots behind the scenes, to become the new head of the Hatakeyama family. Naomitsu and Ako-hime can still escape to the forest. There they meet the ruffian Tajomaru.
... The backgrounds are beautiful. The part right after the title with the seasons changing looks absolute beautiful!!! Those vivid colors can take anyones breath away.
Really didn't like the older brother. He was just a puppet, jumping as others pulled his strings. :< Not to say, Ikeuchi Hiroyuki went a long way down from GTO. Maybe it's just cause of his outer looks, but I feel that way.
This thing about power wanting money, to have more power kind of thing just makes me frustrated. Nothing changed between that period and now... and that's just sad. In this movie the Hatekayama's hand is forced by higher power, this Gosho-sama (no idea, who that is, just someone with lots of power). He wants the money of Ako's family, so he forces the Hatakeyama family that the older brother, Nobutsuna should marry her, or they'll loose their position... It was interesting though, that while everyone seemed to know that he swings to guys - and he used this power to get any boy he wanted - he was well respected everywhere, and a nobody went against his will.
No matter what, I will always like a movie with a long, dark haired Shun. <3
The pairing looks good, that's for sure
Beautiful woman... but I don't like the martyr roles, with their strange thinking. ~~"
No matter what, I will always like a movie with a long, dark haired Shun on a white horse. <3<3<3
The charm of Shun is really great! Just as he arrives to save Ako-hime, the people want to stop him... he just says, get out of my way... and I actually believe that they do.
I liked the old guy, Kagetoki. A shame he needs to die so quick. He gave the movie the feeling of the period. ^.^
Well, well... the death of the older brother, and the plot of Sakuramaru comes out quick for us... but this becomes frustrating, since Naomitsu will not know of it for a long time.
So while traveling, Naomitsu and Ako-hime meet Tajomaru. He defeats Naomitsu, and rapes Ako-hime...
After coming round, to his shock Ako-hime decides to go with the villain, if he killes Naomitsu... and then escapes. Actually, the way Shibamoto Yuki's face changed was great! I don't think I saw her in anything big yet, but after this she seems like a good actress.
Due to the shock he can defeat Tajomaru, and kills him. The ruffians last wish is to make his name live on, so Naomitsu throws away the name that doesn't mean anything to him anymore, and becomes Tajomaru himself.
Then meeting other bandits he randomly becomes their boss... Actually the Tajomaru-rap was the BEST part of the whole movie!
I think since Waters Shun is really proud about his juggler skills... or maybe he just doesn't want to forget. X3
Another thing that made me frustrated was, that Naomitsu says that he throws everything away, and is now only Tajomaru... and then by the first info about his brother, and a person using his name, he jumps to investigate. Oh, please! Not to say, he doesn't understand, till Sakuramaru spells it out for him, that he plotted everything.
Ako-hime with her 'Ah! I don't know who you are!' at one and "he is Naomitsu-sama!" the next sure makes Naomitsu confused. Sure. A pure hearted man will never understand how much a woman suffers to help the one she loves. ~~" Even if these martyr things are not my thing, I can understand the strong will behind these acts. But it's more sad, that man trust their eyes more than to believe in their love. T_T
Both fall from a large cliff... but though the scenes they seem to forget that Ako-hime's body is misshapen now, and she walks normal by the end. Now don't tell me, it's the touch of love. ~~"
The bandits, Tajomaru's guys really show determination at the wrong time. Their death is SOO for nothing. But at last Tajomaru could pick up some of their clothes, to have the group by his side at last in memory for the last fight... ~~" That's just so lame!!!
Their entry is at last cool! *.*
What to say? I love to watch Shun acting, his tears always look so real... but this movie was just lukewarm. The character never gets anything till it's spelled out, and characters die so randomly, without a reason, or to quick to get to know them and thus it isn't really meaningful. Maybe the best was the actress, who had the chance to shine, even if it was a martyr role most of the time. ~~"