Mahigashi Teru (Hiraoka Yuta) is the son of a brilliant surgeon, who died in an accident, while saving Teru's life. Now, Teru aims to become a great surgeon. But being his clumsy self there is little to hope for.
Still the manager of the hospital, Yasuda Junji (Watabe Atsuro <3) wants to have him here. Not because his father was a good friend of his, but after the accident in the past Teru seemed to inherit his fathers "god hands". Whenever a patient's life is in danger, it allows him to perform the most difficult operations.
Usually doctors who are outstanding in their field of work get some nickname in connection with God. But no matter how I look at it, this drama is just over my comfort-line. Not to say the way Teru is showed as he uses his ability. In the original manga I can understand an ability like this, but they shouldn't have made a live out of it. Don't know, it's just... agh, I can't even explain what distroubs me in this, but I'm just not comfortable watching it. X_x