Further general musings

Sep 05, 2013 11:36

Summary: improvement in some areas, staying the same in others.

The big news of the week is that I have (or soon will have) a new job. I've been offered a role as Information & Communications Officer at the Pre-School Learning Alliance, an early years charity that also runs a number of  subsidised pre-schools around the country. It looks like a really interesting role and I'm looking forward to getting stuck into it - plus it's slightly better money than I've been on for a while, and it's permanent which means increased job security. Just waiting on references etc to come through so I can agree a start date. It's excellent timing as my current contracting role comes to an end tomorrow. I'm hoping for a nice few days' break in between so I can come to it feeling calm and refreshed.

I'm still experiencing low self-esteem in terms of my appearance. I did manage to go and get a haircut (for £28 which wasn't too bad - booked via wahanda.com which I can recommend for ease of use and convenience), and the hairdresser didn't do too terrible a job of it, though she clearly wasn't listening (or didn't believe me) when I told her that the application of any sort of heat would cause it to turn into an enormous pile of frizz. The increasing look of desperation on her face as she tried to smooth down the mess she'd caused was almost worth it. She's put some layers in which has made it all feel a lot lighter and less 'solid' around my face, and also means it looks prettier when I put it up into a ponytail as the curls are graduated rather than just a lump. Haven't tried doing anything more complicated yet but there should still be enough length at the front and sides to do quiffs, victory rolls etc if I feel like it. Oh and I treated myself to a fab new lipstick - Boots' Natural Collection in Crimson, which is a lovely light vintage-looking summery red, and only £1.99. I went back and bought a second one as I suspect I will get through it!

Other stuff, well, mostly the same. Love life a bit hit and miss, flat's still a state (and my oven broke - sudden loud pop and sharp electrical smell, and the breakers tripped, so I suspect something's blown), and I still haven't managed to get back to dance classes. Hopefully when I start the new job and am working more regular hours and in the same location every day I will be able to plan a bit better. 

beauty, health, romance, work, dressing up box, body image

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