Hey... what's going on?

Aug 20, 2013 11:54

Some of the stresses I talked about in my last post have calmed down a bit. After a long struggle with banks and HMRC and accountants, I finally managed to get a business bank account opened and was able to invoice for my hours. The sense of relief was palpable. By the looks of things, all should proceed smoothly from here on in. I'm keeping stuff crossed.

Otherwise... still looking for my next job (this contract officially finished in mid-September, though there may be options after that). Still feeling a bit trapped in my small flat and dealing with my crappy landlord, though having done a huge clean ahead of a flat inspection (which he didn't even show up for, wasting my entire Saturday), it's at least feeling slightly more spacious.

I still have some stuff I need to clear out or re-purpose - might consider having people over for a clothes-swap/sale soon. I have a few old cotton dresses and skirts that aren't worth reselling or charity shopping so I'm going to cut them up and make pretty fabric-covered elastic belts, cushion slip covers and kerchiefs - which is about the limit of my sewing skills. I'll probably post here and on Facebook when I've done them and if anyone wants one I could make one for them for cost - keeping my hands busy and doing something creative is good for my brain-meats.

I still need a holiday, I still need much more love and nurturing and human contact. I was much sadder than I thought I'd be about having missed Beautiful Days this year - I also missed Strawberry Fair due to poor health, and Bearded Theory due to work and money. But I had a lovely weekend going for dinner and to the theatre on Saturday and to Kew Gardens on Sunday, with friends who I don't see often enough. I could definitely do with more like that (though Kew was a bit expensive, but then a lot of the big London tourist attractions are).

I'm still feeling bloated and unfit and tired a lot of the time, but I'm working on that. Spending the day walking around on Sunday left me with tired feet but feeling well-exercised and relaxed - I plan to do more walking. Now I'm getting paid (and the weather's cooled off a bit) I can get back to dance classes, which should help with my fitness and also mental health.

Dating is a bit slow. My lack of confidence at the moment is making me a bit nervous about meeting new people in case they think I'm ugly and stupid. I did have drinks with a nice chap last week - not convinced the chemistry was there but he seems like a genuine bloke, so we might go out again sometime. We shall see. A few other nibbles on the OkCupid line but nothing firm planned.

Also I badly need a haircut. Any recommendations for not-too-expensive hairdressers (like under £35 for a cut) in London that actually know how to cut curly hair? Otherwise I'll end up doing it myself with the bathroom scissors, which can generate slightly haphazard results. 

sexuality, domesticity, state of the karen, romance, money, events

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