Sep 01, 2004 01:05
Oh I'm finally ready to be done with you now and move on to bigger and better things. Three-hour-long activity/lab classes just aren't conducive to creativity or productivity...I'm sorry. In theory, yeah...having three hours per class session to do whatever you gotta' do on a given project seems more than enough...and it is. It's actually way TOO MUCH though in that environment, because you end up just spending three hours tending to the conversation on either side of you and/or repeatedly re-doing everything you manage to get done every time the teacher walks around and tells you that you've taken the wrong know, not because you've really done anything wrong (it's the most subjective shit ever), but because they simply need to say something, ANYTHING to appear as though they're "teaching" for three hours. I'd consider the "constructive criticism" legitimate if it weren't every single person in the class receiving the same exact cyclical spiel every half hour or so. It's the same with every teacher too, because there is just no other way to go about it (I don't really blame them). Now, I don't think my time in class is 100% useless. I just don't feel like the learning-to-fucking-around-time ratio is very well balanced, at all. The little bit of lecture material that is provided, I find very beneficial, because it is a focused presentation of important information. Semantics, semiotics, and gestalt properties are all useful concepts that must be applied to the creation of commercial art. So, one hour of lecture and one hour of work time would seem about right to me. But often times, it's walk in, sit down, and pretend to work on your project for three hours straight while peers, teachers, and the internet distract you with pointless info the entire time. It's amazing how little you can get done in three hours! I guess that's most real-world jobs too...but at least you're getting paid to pretend like you're doing something. Big difference. Less a waste. Well, sorta'.
Hey Niilo, sorry I failed to deliver the bass cabinet tonight. My Tuesday/Thursday class actually gets out at 9:00pm (not 8:00pm, like I thought) and I was just tired, and starving, and didn't feel like driving south. Andy says he wants to try and practice tomorrow night though, so I can get it to you then. If we don't practice, I'll shoot for Thursday after 9:00pm...and I'll PLAN on it. Sorry again.