chunky assed babies...

Jul 08, 2005 15:52

Dr Couper is a real trooper. There is something very special about a person who picks 8:30am for a Friday tutorial. Even more special is that he thinks I have a "way with babies". I personally think I fit more into the category of "likable idiot". The kiddies like me because I smile and I for the most part look like an idiot. My "way with babies" meant that I had an 13month old developmentally delayed child (mean developmental age 8months) sitting my on lap for two hours while we examined her. Did I mention her reason for being in hospital? She has influenza virus A and RSV. Did I mention the significance of her developmental delay? She can't cover her mouth when she coughs. So instead, thinking I was mum, she gropped by boobs and coughed in my face. I think having a "way with babies" is please-don't-sue-me-prof-speak for "I hate this student". The girl was kinda cute and I did feel bad for her. Her parent saddled her with one of those stupid made up names. Not only is it a non-recognised spelling of a name, it also has exogenous y's. Something we all know translates to the number of blowjobs she'll be giving in the back of the school bus per day. So I guess a few cuddles and influenza coughs won't torture me as much as her whole, doomed existence will torture her.

You can tell it is a public hospital I am working in, the patient board is full of American style dyslexic names like Montanna, Hayden, Kaleb, KristiElle, Kateline (pronounced caitlin), Kaige (like paige but for a boy), Kody, Brittani, Krystel,
The creepy thing is, parents seem obssessed with "K" names. I can't figure that one out but they are mostly caucasian parents. Perhaps this is a not to their anglo-saxon heritage dyslexic style? It just doesn't make sense. The parents want their child to be "unique" by having a phonetically spelt name, but does it really make that much different if the teacher calls on Kate, Kait, Cate, Kaite, Kayte or Cayt? The only thing it really does is curse these chidren to a lifetime of spelling out their names everytime they want to rent a video, put something on hold in a store, sign up for a team or join a class. And yet these are the same parents who try to empathise with me about my surname? At least my surname is cultural and linguistically sound, rather than some desperate attempt to make "special" a child who is the product of a drunken one night stand. I can just see it now "Breeanyia it doesn't matter who your daddy is or how we met. I made up a name just for you, so that the whole world can know just how wonderful you are". Or just how freakin stupid your mother is. Write that one on a university application and see how far you get. For the girls, the parents are extra stupid because half of these names read like stripper stage names, which from looking at the fathers who *are* present, is probably where daddy did get the inspiration while mummy was getting pissed on passion pop and smoking dope at her baby shower.

It's child abuse, plain and simple. These kids are doubly screwed by first by genetics then by the world. Not only are mum and dad stupid, their stupid name means that the world will assume they are as retarded as their name. It is absolutely startling that out of the less than 50% chance of conception and implantation at each penile-vaginal sexual sexual encounter, that these are the people who are able to have children. It makes no Darwinian sense why the stupid people can reproduce so easily, but the smarter people are suffering from increasingly higher rates of idiopathic infertility. Unless of course we're simply waiting for the world to implode beneath the weight of our own stupidity.
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