BACC Week Three: Horn

Jul 10, 2015 10:11

I very much regret using those shades of brown for the title pic. Ahem, anyway this is a very short update, I only have 16 pictures for the whole week because nothing much happened. This is a new household by the way, which Manno unlocked by building a shop. One this quick little update is done though I can get some posts of the other households up! Also, I'm incredibly sorry there hasn't been a BACC update in so long, I've been focusing more on the Livingstons because they were just more interesting to me and I was getting a little stressed out about this challenge, because I stress abou everything. Now, this really long blurb is over and its time to meet the new member of our BACC community!

This is Chetan Horn. I really suck at making males, I know. He's supposed to look kind of preppy and snobby because I think that suits his traits, but anyway. Anyway, his traits are loner, self-assured, and goofball. Chetan's aspiration is to become a Mansion Baron, which probably isn't going to happen for obvious reasons. He's also rather boring and not all that interesting to play, hence the lack of pictures. I'm hoping one he gets a girlfriend/wife and kids things will pick up a bit.

Conveniently the first person to walk by was a young woman named Kiana Kinimaka. Despite his griping (Chetan's a loner and doesn't like strangers) I forced him to chat her up. I need some options for spouses after all.

This is Chetan's little house I made with his starting money. He now has very little money and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with him to have him make money.

The welcome party arrived - much to Chetan's displeasure.
Chetan: Why are all these strangers in my house?! ARGHHH!
Manno: You all right buddy?
Chetan: Stranger danger! Stranger danger!
So yeah, that was not successful.

I had wanted Chetan to work on his logic skill to unlock town hall and the careers that go with that, but then i realized that didn't really suit his personality and I changed my goals.

Half of Chetan's time is spent collecting odds and ends to sell so he doesn't starve to death.

The other half of his time was spent practicing his comedy skill, which is what I decided he should work on. When he maxes it I can unlock the lounge and entertainer career. You look kind of unsure or yourself Chetan.
Chetan: What? Me? Unsure? Never! do you work this thing?

Chetan also went fishing once for some reason.

Kiana droppped by for another visit.
Kiana & Chetan: *awkward silence*

They actually hit it off fairly well. They're pretty good friends now so once Chetan makes his comedy skill I'll see about getting them together.

Speaking of comedy skill, Chetan's at level 8, so I'm expecting him to max it next week.

The week ends with Chetan washing dishes. So interesting, right?

Now for a score sheet!

Sim Multiplier: 1
Population: 13 (13)
Households: 3 (Charron, Boerio, Horn)
Community Lots: 1 (Magnolia Blossom Park)
Retail Lots: 1 (Manno's Woodshop)
Careers Unlocked: 0
Restrictions Lifted: 1 (Electronics/Plumbing)

week 3, sims 4, bacc, horn household

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