i am slowly, gradually, acclimating to the sad prospect that john mccain is probably going to be our next president. palin successfully harnessed the media and obama's
race raises the possibility of throwing a very tight race in mccain's favor. i suspect that most of you stateside feel the same way. in the meantime i would like to make something very, very clear to all of you:
i hate sarah palin.
i have been reading for months about how young and inexperienced barack obama is and how foolish we are for supporting a candidate whose sole strength is his considerable skill at public speaking. as such i still don't understand why the GOP responded to the obama phenomenon with a younger, less experienced individual whose own celebrity has been built entirely upon her prowess as an orator. for months i have heard nothing but a steady whine about obama's shallow, celebrity driven campaign only to witness the mccain campaign reinvigorate itself by selecting a candidate whose celebrity has been accented by breathless recitations of her prowess as a high school basketball player, all to the tune of Heart's Barracuda. can someone please tell me why this is working?
as bush's approval ratings remain staggeringly low and public support for the iraq war continues to recede, i am astonished to see that a ticket that has frequently aligned itself with the bush administration and has frequently stated their desire to extend the iraq conflict is so popular with americans. palin's celebrity begins and ends with her successful recitation of a speech written by a bush speech writer, a speech that successfully aimed to downplay the alliance between this ticket and the bush administration. given the widespread instability and economic malfeasance of the last eight years, i am unable to fathom why a growing herd of americans are so enthralled with the mccain/palin ticket.
i'm short on definitive answers but i think i may have found a couple of plausible explanations:
1.) sarah palin does not know jeremiah wright.
like most of america, perhaps you glossed over the sarah palin rape kit story, fearing that it was too sensational to be true. as information gathers it appears that palin, at the very least, demonstrated considerable
negligence when handling this matter:
"Under Sarah Palin's administration, Wasilla cut funds that had previously paid for the medical exams and began charging victims or their health insurers the $500 to $1200 fees. Although Palin spokeswoman Maria Comella wrote USA Today earlier this week that the GOP vice presidential nominee “does not believe, nor has she ever believed, that rape victims should have to pay for an evidence-gathering test…To suggest otherwise is a deliberate misrepresentation of her commitment to supporting victims and bringing violent criminals to justice,” Palin, as mayor, fired police chief Irl Stambaugh and replaced him with Charlie Fannon, who with Palin’s knowledge, slashed the budget for the exams and began charging the city’s victims of sexual assault. The city budget documents demonstrate Palin read and signed off on the new budget. A year later, alarmed Alaska lawmakers passed legislation outlawing the practice."
while this is a damning piece of information on palin's end, it could have been a lot worse. she could have had an eccentric pastor (actually,
she did. in this respect i can see why public favor tilts towards the mccain/palin ticket.
2.) sarah palin is attractive.
clinton was no one's MILF and obama simply can't fill out a power suit on par with palin. also he also does not sport rimless glasses. i have heard and read reports from impressed americans who believe that sarah palin's appearance is one -but not the only! she's also experienced, or something!- reason for voting for her. there's no arguing with that logic. point two for mccain/palin
3.) she likes to shoot things.
reportadly over 700,000 alaskans voted against the use of arial hunting to shoot wolves, however palin would have none of it. undeterred, palin has gone to great lengths to
support arial hunting in alaska:
"In early 2007 Sarah Palin approved a $150 bounty to hunters who killed a wolf from an airplane in certain areas, hacked off the left foreleg, and brought in the appendage. If this sounds gruesome and barbaric to you, you're not alone. Ruling that the Palin administration didn't have the authority to offer payments, a state judge quickly put a halt to them but, sadly, not to the shooting of wolves from aircraft. Palin's reasoning? She considers wolves and bears too great a threat to the moose and caribou population of Alaska. At the same token, she wants to increase big game hunting in Alaska, especially that of moose and caribou, even at the cost of subsistence hunting laws for Native Alaskans."
as the article states, palin's primary motivation was her concern for the dwindling moose and caribou population in alaska. given her grave concern for the plight of alaskan moose, it would probably behoove her to refrain from eating them. these initiatives in conjungition with palin's indefatigable zeal for oil drilling everywhere and anywhere in alaska threatens to imperil the state of alaskan widlife. since sightseeing of these animals comprises a large bulk of alaska's substantial tourism industry, this shows tremendous economic savy on her end. barack obama, on the other hand, has not shot anything from a plain. furthermore it's been reputed that he's never shot anything at all. point three for mccain/palin.
given this exhaustive rationale, i am slowly starting to understand why the mccain/palin ticket has been taking america by storm. considering the growing probabilty that washington republicans have hoodwinked the general public yet again, it really is too bad that hillary clinton wasn't pretty enough to be president.