
Jan 07, 2008 00:12

As each new year rolls around, I use to make "resolutions' to the extent that they were just fanciful wishes that never came to fruitation. This happen only because I either forgot what there were or I just shoved it aside claiming that I was too busy. But something different happened last year that I'm still trying to get a hold now. Last year, while 
tabrelial and I do our normal random excursion I discussed my "ToDo list for 2007" Normally, we would discuss what we would like to do, but for some reason, maybe because I for the first time was feeling old, just blurted out my "ToDo for 2007" On the top of my list would be graduation from Art school, which I might add I will be completing this term and will be graduating with honors, something that I had not expected when I first attended. Next would be securing a promotion at my current job, which I am proud to say that being the Multimedia Web Producer for a daily newpaper does have its perks, but the draw back is that I've attend more meetings than I ever have in all my previous jobs combined. On the list as well as a long over due vacation, something that I really didn't think would happen, but did. (I still need to process the video and get the photos up online for everyone) It was a vacation that I probably won't forget for a while and it was great spending it with my best friend whom I consider more of a brother than my own flesh and blood, but that's another story for another time.

I had several other things on my list that I've actually manage to accomplish, all except one, which I think will get passed down from one year to the next until its complete. Finding a significant other isn't just something that you do, especially with a person as picky as I am. So in do forth, that 'ToDo' item will shift from my 2007 list on to my 2008 list along with the following:

2008 ToDo List
  • Less impluse buys, more impuse saving
  • Sell of useless or none used items
  • Volunteer somewhere
  • One spa treatment every 3 months instead of every month
  • Take ballroom dancing and improve salsa techniques
  • Return to fencing class to complete course
  • Return to rock climbing
  • Pay off at least 2 credit cards
  • Take a 2 week vacation
  • Work to get my 21yr body back
  • Sleep and eat well
  • Get out more and see more friends
  • Secure raise by 5%, no less
  • Read a new book every month
  • Return to kendo and aikido training
  • Purchase a new car
  • Save for new house
  • Significant other (2007 carry over)
Well that as much rounds out my 2008 "ToDo" list, for now anyways. Note that even though these are not in any particular order, impluse buys is at the top of my list. I can honestly say that I am a shoppoholic and I need to cut down my spending alot. But my LAST and FINAL impluse buy for 2008 has been the critically acclaimed Wicked musical. I bought the ticket yesterday morning because the seats were good and I was free today for the show this morning. I can honestly say that it has been the best impluse buy I have ever purchased. Now I can pack away my credit cards under lock and key for the next 6 months. Hopefully buy then I will wittle down my expenditures.

I could write a so much more, but I have work in 10 hours and the first day of class starts tomorrow as well. With that, I say that Wicked was Wickedly Awesome. Maybe, If I'm lucky, I'll be able to catch it in New York this summer. Only time will time tell, and a vacation is on my 2008 to do list anyways!

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