Oct 20, 2008 23:22
With midterms coming up for me, I realized the need to double my study regime. Unfortunately, that also meant that I finally decided to acknowledge that I'd need to give up a few things for the next few days.
Fanfiction, Books (entertainment/fiction), and Video games.
.. This will not bode well for me. I've already set the exemptions from this- my DS for one, there's no possible way I'd survive if I took away Eric (yes I named my DS). I can write and work on whatever I've been doing for fiction or fanfiction, but I can't read what anyone else wrote for that.
I almost stripped myself of photoshop privileges until I remembered that I still needed to get my stuff done for my Speech Communication class' presentation. So I've still got that..
But seriously, not being able to read for pleasure?! Why the heck was I stupid enough to declare that?! x-O;;;
Oh well, it's too late to go back on my word. I just wish that Basic Logic didn't take up so much of my study time. ._.;
stupid responsiblities