Upgrade31 Day 8: feels good to be right

May 15, 2013 23:05

Yes, even if my well-honed instincts have long proven themselves trustworthy, it still feels good to see them affirmed each time. :)

Felt so much better today, the rest had did good, and I am pretty sure the form would have been different if I hadn't rested.

And the true litmus test for me is almost always a yoga class. It's weather proof, and all of intense 90 minutes of stretches and emptying the brain. Glorious. :)

I survived, very well. And more than made up for the missed sesh for yesterday. Heh.

Bikram 150513
Duration: 90min

Oh yeah.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

upgrade31, navelgazing, heartbeats, fitness, fatzap

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