Osama bin Laden is dead...

May 03, 2011 08:24

I admit, for an hour or more I felt jubilant, ecstatic even, the news of OBL lifted a weight from my chest - the troops might be sent home a couple days sooner than planned now! But as the news settled in I found myself less and less pleased by the loss of life. I'm glad to hear that no US personnel was lost, but there is no avoiding that lives were lost, not just OBL.

American's took to the streets to celebrate 'the end of terrorism' but the news is more realistic and asking 'who will pick up the slack now that OBL is gone'. The US declare that they buried OBL at sea to honor the islamic laws that require his burial within 24 hours, but why give the man such honor when he showed none to others?

So we celebrate the death of a man, doesn't that show him undue honor? Don't misunderstand me, the survivors and military personnel have a right to their elation - but the rest of us..I'm not so sure. If we didn't loss a friend or loved one in his attacks, weren't involved in the manhunt for EnemyNo1; the continuing celebrations in the streets seem a bit extreme and give fuel to the memory of a man who created fear and misery for others.
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