I just watched a video on
GodTube in which a middle aged British man says, in a perfectly serious tone, "I hope you understand, uh, if you're a Bible student you'll understand, that Sodham and Gomorrah's crime was not just sodomites and anus-lust..."
I'm afraid I stopped watching after the anus-lust part, lest the giggles trigger a castastrophic cadiac failure. Snorfle. Heheh.
One day I shall mature. Let it not be this day please. Hehehe.
Today I played with bacteria. Some were white, and some were pink, and some were bright red. We are going to use them to see if they can kill a special E. coli strain, and also to see if they talk to another kind of bacteria. If they do talk then we will see a beautiful purple colour. It was fun, even if the instructions were a little vague.
Sunday night was interesting. Arrived at Blantyre (aka Matt's house) a little later than usual (around 1am). Popped bike into bike shed, was distracted by a retching, moaning sound emanating from the floor. Long story short, a really, really drunk chap had managed to find his way into the garden, where he fell down and vommed a lot. We couldn't get much sense out of him, but he was adamant that he had been "chased outta town by black men, y'know?". Long story short, Gareth is wonderful and, much spitting and drooling later, we eventually got him into a taxi. A lovely leather-interior BMW taxi. The driver did not look at all happy. The worrying part is that the only way into the Blantyre garden without a key for the gate is to go the gardens of the surrounding houses o_O
I do hope that I never get that drunk and upset any bouncers.
Still have not decided what to do next year. I have until Friday, I believe.
The choices are:
Zoology - Plenty of evolution but not enough genetics. Lots of cell-level options though. I like animals.
Genetics - lots of genetics but very little evolution. Also possibly a little too full of protein names and interactions for my tastes. On the plus side, cancer! And cancer is so rarely a positive thing.
Zoology - Cells and Development BBS - like zoology, but with the Plant and Microbial Genetics module.
In other news: Tonight's dinner has turned a beautiful shade of green. No delicious chicken pasta bake for me.
Revision progress: Minimal.
Current procrastination:
The KoL, an MMORPG piss-take, and a lot more fun than it sounds. The multitude of pop-culture references pleases me no end.